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I need to connect to a hidden SSID and am using a 3rd radio as wlan2, but do not see an option to manually connect to a network. Am I missing something or is this set up this way on purpose?




I havent tried it yet, but maybe try to edit the  /etc/config/wireless file and manually enter in the ssid and key.  If I understand correctly, the network option for the client wifi is 'wwan'.  you can read more about these files here: https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/wireless


You will have to enter it manually using either ssh or cabinet module /etc/config/wireless .  You can either connect to another wireless ap to have the pineapple setup wlan 2 info for you  and just change the ssid and password or enter it all manually in the config file.

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I'm going to do this to utlize my iphone's hotspo.


I use the stubby rt5370 from the hakstore and an alfa awus036neh which is also in the hakshop and is also rt3570.  They work great. Make sure that you are connecting to 2.4ghz.  I don't know what wifi cards work  with 5ghz on the Pineapple.

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I will take a look at editing the config file to manually add it.


Does anyone know if I have have multiple hidden networks saved to choose from when I am near one? Kind of like how Windows, Linux, Android, etc save networks and auto connect when in range. I doubt I can get wlan2 to auto connect, but would like to have them saved so I don't have to edit the config file each time.




you could save many different ones and comment out the ones not in use, just a little bit of work or you can just change the one config file and edit the ssid and psk and save and be done. all depends on what your doing.  I always set mine up at home before I leave. Sometimes wlan2 is connect to my home wifi and other times I connect it to my phoneAP. 

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Okay, so I edited  /etc/config/wireless and added my hidden network SSID, key, etc. When I turned on my Pineapple and went to Networks, it was not automatically connected. I then clicked search (on wlan2) and it didn't even display the hidden network.


Not sure what I am doing wrong here. Any thoughts?


Please be kind. I have never used a Pineapple before and am trying to learn to increase my pen testing skills.




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