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How to send a link where HTML has been modified ?


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I know my question is a little bit unclear.

But with Firebug, I've find a potential XSS by adding a javascript instruction in an HTML field at URL

<a href='javascript:alert(document.cookie)'>Home</a>

Original field was :

<a href="../../.">Home</a>

My question would be:

How does an attacker send a malicious link to a victim with a webpage modification included into the link ?

Edited by tot94
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Look at what gets sent to the server when you submit data then look at how you can modify it as part of the attack.


Rather than asking questions about every section on DVWA, have you considered doing an intro course? You'd learn a lot more. I'd recommend looking at stuff from SecurityTube.

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an intro course : have you got any URL ?

But on online videos, there are only attacker-server.

For SQLi, it is fine, whereas in XSS or CSRF, the situation is victim-attacker-server which is not present on online videos..

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an intro course : have you got any URL ?

Search for SecurityTube


For SQLi, it is fine, whereas in XSS or CSRF, the situation is victim-attacker-server which is not present on online videos..

XSS doesn't go through the attacker, it goes direct.

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I have ever perform javascript injection by sending a malicious link to a victim like this :<script>alert(document.cookie);</script>

But here I need to remove protection on the page by injecting javascript in HTML events like this :

<a href="javascript:alert(document.cookie)">Click me</a>

But I have to modify with HTML page code with Firebug.

So I where wondering how I could send a link with javascript in HTML event to a victim in order to steal cookies ?

:cool:  :cool::cool::cool::cool:

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you would send them this and ask them to click on it<script>alert(document.cookie);</script>


you don't modify anything.

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No here I can't because of this pattern :


It intercept <script> tag and replace it with a space.

So I have to bypass this hardening whit HTML Event which what I describe above.

But I don't know how to send the link whith HTML page modified..

Am I more understandable ?

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I think you've miss understood how reflected works.


At the dvwa level you send out a link that the user clicks on and that is it, it does direct to the user then direct to the site, if you are interpreting things then it isn't XSS.

Which level are you trying to solve?

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Look at what the page is filtering

        $name = preg_replace( '/<(.*)s(.*)c(.*)r(.*)i(.*)p(.*)t/i', '', $_GET[ 'name' ] );

Now look at this XSS cheat sheet and spot a way to send XSS that doesn't get caught by this regex check:


Enter that into the field and see what happens. Now look at where you are and work out how you would get that to a user in a way they could click on it.

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Yes I've found the section able to bypass the hardening :

Malformed A tags

Skip the HREF attribute and get to the meat of the XXS... Submitted by David Cross ~ Verified on Chrome

<a onmouseover="alert(document.cookie)">xxs link</a>

or Chrome loves to replace missing quotes for you... if you ever get stuck just leave them off and Chrome will put them in the right place and fix your missing quotes on a URL or script.

<a onmouseover=alert(document.cookie)>xxs link</a>


Thanks :)

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Do you understand the concept now? You don't need to intercept things, all the interaction is between victim and site. Your job is to work out what to ask the victim to request.

For an attack string, my usual weapon of choice is

<img src="x" onerror="alert(1)" />

As it triggers without the user having to do anything.

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