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root@Pineapple:~# ps aux | awk 'NR>1 {s+=$3} NR>1 && $3 > 0 {printf "%-30s %-10s %-10s\n",$5=="N"?$6:$5,$3,s} END {print s}'
init                           1532       1532      
{rcS}                          1564       3096      
init                           1532       4628      
logger                         1524       6152      
/sbin/syslogd                  1536       7688      
/sbin/klogd                    1516       9204      
/sbin/hotplug2                 864        10068     
/sbin/ubusd                    876        10944     
/sbin/netifd                   1492       12436     
hostapd                        1628       14064     
/sbin/watchdog                 1528       15592     
wpa_supplicant                 1656       17248     
udhcpc                         1536       18784     
/usr/sbin/atd                  788        19572     
/usr/sbin/crond                1532       21104     
/usr/sbin/sshd                 2864       23968     
/usr/sbin/dnsmasq              968        24936     
/usr/sbin/ntpd                 1532       26468     
/bin/sh                        1524       27992     
{exe}                          1524       29516     
tcpdump                        6480       35996     
/usr/sbin/atd                  792        36788     
sh                             1524       38312     
pineap                         12320      50632     
pinejector                     1048       51680     
{sshd}                         5488       57168     
-ash                           1540       58708     
ps                             1524       60232     
awkNR                          1524       61756 

The first column is the command that's running.  The second column is how much memory it's using.  The last column is a running total of the memory used.

root@Pineapple:~# free
             total         used         free       shared      buffers
Mem:         61804        60352         1452            0         4396
-/+ buffers:              55956         5848
Swap:      1004024          472      1003552

As you can see, I have just over 1kb left, just enough to run the AWK command without crashing things.  What processes can I eliminate, do you think?

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