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Tried EVERYTHING - Nothing Works


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Hi All,

I know this question has been asked many, many times but I've read ALL the posts here and still can't get Pandora's Jar to work.

Yes, I have WinXP

Yes, I'm using Firefox.

Yes, I have the latest Java.

(((( YES, I HAVE FLASH 8!!!! )))))

Yes, the .jar file is in c:pandora

Also, I changed the url in line 162 of the pandoragrabber html file to http://www.pandora.com/PandoraEventsv2.swf

When I go to localhost, Pandora works, and the hack is displayed, but when I click Grab this track, I'm still getting "unable to rip blah blah blah make sure you are using FIREFOX...blah blah blah."

What more can I do???? Please help. Thanks in advance.

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you could try the proxy method, discussed here


it has the advantage of working with FP8 & FP9 and IE (on Win) or FF (on Win/Linux - maybe mac too)...

but, requires you to run a local proxy to capture Pandora traffic.,,,and it 'time-shifs' everything from pandora - not just the ones you pick...

Not as 'sexy' as Pandora's Jar - but could be more reliable (and a UI should be coming soon)....

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