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karma, filtering; SSIDs with spaces cannot be removed


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1.0.2 Tetra firmware. Reboot, etc, problem persists. Closest I could find seems to be fixed: https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/37619-problems-using-filtering/

Applies to web console and command line. Command line dump:

root@Pineapple:/# pineapple karma list_ssids
root@Pineapple:/# pineapple karma del_ssid XANADU-ZONE
Sucessfully removed SSID XANADU-ZONE
root@Pineapple:/# pineapple karma list_ssids
I think the problem has to do with spaces, not sure how exactly Check this out:
root@Pineapple:/# pineapple karma add_ssid TEST-SSID Number 1
Sucessfully added SSID TEST-SSID
root@Pineapple:/# pineapple karma list_ssids
root@Pineapple:/# pineapple karma del_ssid TEST-SSID Number 1
Sucessfully removed SSID TEST-SSID
root@Pineapple:/# pineapple karma list_ssids
If I didn't know the "full" name of the SSID, I couldn't remove it. For now, where are these entries stored on the wifi pineapple so I can manually remove (all of) them? A button/command in karma to clear all filters would be great also!
Also note there is a blank entry that cannot be removed either. Anyone know a quick way to clear this karma white/black list without firmware reset?
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Additionally I tried investigating using hostapd karma commands. I think I am just making things worse though?

> karma_del_ssid
Invalid 'delete Karma SSID' command - exactly one argument, SSID, is required.
> kamra_del_ssid Test-SSID Number 1
Unknown command 'kamra_del_ssid'
> kamra_del_ssid "Test-SSID Number 1"
Unknown command 'kamra_del_ssid'
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ssids seem to be kept in

/etc/pineapple/pineapple.db a SQLite database. This is what I see:

sqlite> select * from ssid_list;

So I can clear by doing
delete from ssid_list;
then replacing modified database file. That works fine if I want to start over.
I did more digging, and Im not sure how it got into the state above anyway, where a newline seems to be appended. The issue started with the web console. But here is the table just using the web console again:
sqlite> select * from ssid_list;
2,"Added From Web Client"
I will try and post more info when it happens again esp. if I figure out how to recreate.
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