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OpenVPN module - access only to turtle


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Hi clever people!

I have recently watched Darren's clip on how to configure my turtle with OpenVPN server. I created a VPS in the cloud, installed VPN server and configured users as per tutorial. Both users can now connect to VPN server but I can only ping turtle form my laptop. The network the turtle is on is not accessible. Clearly I am missing something. Any help would be much appreciated.

Best regards

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Hi kanalia

It sounds like you're missing some packet forwarding settings. Check out this HAK5 Turtle vid (the stuff you may have missed is at ~22min mark):


It was these settings in /etc/config/network and /etc/config/firewall that eventually got me up and running with the VPN.

Hope this helps




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Thanks, I watched the movie and made some changes but did not resolve it. Can you by any chance have a quick peek at my config and maybe you will be able to spot what's wrong. I am losing the plot.

Turtle networks (I bridged both NIC's so both are allocated IP by DHCP):


Turtle network configuration:


Turtle's firewall configuration:


Laptop's network (second client connected to VPN server):


OpenVPN server config:


To all clever people (clearly I do not belong to this group :) ), any help would by much appreciated.


Edited by kanalia
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