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CMD or Powershell Script to give folder access?


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Hi all,

I'm looking to make a script, in either batch or Powershell, that will give a user access to a folder and all folders leading down to it.

So, it would;

  • Ask for input of Active Directory UserID
  • Ask for input of a folder path
  • List all of the security groups for the first folder in the path and allow selection of which one the AD UserID will be added to.
  • List all of the security groups for the second folder in the path and allow selection of which one the AD UserID will be added to.
  • List all of the security groups for the third folder in the path and allow selection of which one the AD UserID will be added to.
  • etc.

So, if user JBLOGGS wanted access to folder '\\Here\There\Everywhere', the script would;

  • List the security groups for the folder '\\Here' and prompt for which AD group to add user JBLOGGS to.
  • List the security groups for the folder '\\Here\There' and prompt for which AD group to add user JBLOGGS to.
  • List the security groups for the folder '\\Here\There\Everywhere' and prompt for which AD group to add user JBLOGGS to.

Note - The security groups for a folder are normally viewable in Windows by right clicking in a folder and going to 'Properties > Security > Group or user names'

Hopefully this makes sense, if not please let me know.

Please note that I understand the script for adding a user to an AD group, that's easy. The struggle is getting a script to prompt which security group for each level of the folder path the user should be added to.

Thank you in advance.

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