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Worth piping crunch to pyrit GPU


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Hi all.

I've got a WPA2 handshake to crack, I know the format is 8 upper case A-Z and 0-9. I was thinking of using an AWS GPU instance to pipe Crunch output into Pyrit GPU, as I don't have masses of storage space to save the output. Does this sound like a feasible option, or can you think of a better way?


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Why save the output?

Crunch spits out the generated sequence to try, the result is yes or no and you know there's only going to be 1 yes which just happens to be the only one you're interested in.

So your need isn't storage space, it's processing power. Correct?

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Why save the output?

Crunch spits out the generated sequence to try, the result is yes or no and you know there's only going to be 1 yes which just happens to be the only one you're interested in.

So your need isn't storage space, it's processing power. Correct?

Sorry, I worded my question rather vaguely. I have not a lot at home in terms of processing power, so am thinking that AWS GPU solution might be the way to go.

thanks for your quick response

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Just curious, what kind of GPU/GPU's are you using?

Probably one of these: https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/(Scroll down for GPU G2). TBH I've only just started looking into this, and I was fortunate enough to receive a $50 AWS voucher, so thought I'd have a play around with GPU pyrit.

Model GPUs vCPU Mem (GiB) SSD Storage (GB)

g2.2xlarge 1 8 15 1 x 60

g2.8xlarge 4 32 60 2 x 120

Edited by bolus
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I wrote this a while ago. It works very similar to crunch, but also allows you to break up the whole task into individual parts easily.

So you can run it on multiple machines/devices/whatever and the same time. Just needs python.

import getopt, sys
charset=['A', 'B'];minpasswordlength=2;maxpasswordlength=4;cores=-1;startindex=-1;endindex=-1;master=False
options, remainder = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ['master', 'charset=', 'minp=', 'maxp=', 'cores=', 'startindex=', 'endindex='])
for opt, arg in options:
	if opt == '--charset':
		charset = list(arg)
	elif opt == '--minp':
		minpasswordlength = int(arg)
	elif opt == '--maxp':
		maxpasswordlength = int(arg)
	elif opt == '--cores':
		cores = int(arg)
	elif opt == '--startindex':
		startindex = int(arg)
	elif opt == '--endindex':
		endindex = int(arg)
	elif opt == '--master':
		master = True

def find_max_index(charset, minpasswordlength, maxpasswordlength):
	maxindex = 0
	charsetlen = len(charset)
	for l in range(minpasswordlength, maxpasswordlength+1):
		maxindex += pow(charsetlen, l)
	return maxindex

def index2password(index, charset, minpasswordlength, maxpasswordlength):
	subsum = 0
	charsetlen = len(charset)
	for l in range(minpasswordlength, maxpasswordlength+1):
		passwordlength = l
		subsum += pow(charsetlen, l)
		if index < subsum:
	subindex = (index-subsum) % pow(charsetlen, l)
	maxvarsize = pow(len(charset), passwordlength)
	ary = []
	for i in range(0,passwordlength):
		ary.append(charset[(subindex / pow(charsetlen,i)) % charsetlen])
	return ''.join(list(reversed(ary)))

if master and cores > 0:
	m=find_max_index(charset, minpasswordlength, maxpasswordlength)
	for i in range(0,cores):
		print "python "+sys.argv[0]+" --charset=\""+"".join(charset)+"\" --minp="+str(minpasswordlength)+" --maxp="+str(maxpasswordlength)+" --startindex="+str(int(i*(float(m)/float(cores))))+" --endindex="+str(int((i+1)*(float(m)/float(cores)))-1)
elif startindex != -1 and endindex != -1:
	for index in range(startindex, endindex+1):
		print index2password(index, charset, minpasswordlength, maxpasswordlength)
	print "Usage: python "+sys.argv[0]+" --master --charset=\"ABC\" --minp=2 --maxp=4 --cores=3"
	print "\tmaster = create the various commands to split amongst the various devices"
	print "\tcharset = the characters you have in the password"
	print "\tminp = minimum number of characters in the password"
	print "\tmaxp = maximum number of characters in the password"
	print "\tcores = number of devices you want to split this task up into"
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do you have this gpu in your possession?

Post your pyrit benchmark speeds. My labtop is around 13000per second nvidia 560m and my desktop was like 17000per second. Nvidia something...

So, a little bit of math.


2.8 trillion combinations possible.

And how many seconds will it take me to complete the 2.8trillion using 2 of my machines...


It will take me 94 million seconds to complete this 2.8trillion crunch... but we hope to find it half way threw lol...

31,536,000 thats how many seconds in a year so... 3 years of my machines crunching away at this...

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