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So is it possible to use aircrack with the wifi pineapple nano? My other thread https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/37821-aircrack-help/ is basically outlining that my internal wlan card will not allow packet injection, because the interface keeps changing channels at random.

I can however, use another usb wifi adapter and it works fine.

So I setup my wifi pineapple nano and it's sharing an internet connection with wlp1s0 my internal wlan card.

Is there any way to use my terminal tools with the wifi pineapple nano? Like for instance, if I wanted to turn the nano into monitor mode, how would I go about doing that? it only shows up as an ethernet interface on ifconfig and not iwconfig.

Excuse my ignorance but I thought this was a wifi adapter (cleary it's much more than that). I'm definitely not complaining, I just want to understand how it works.


Is the wifi pineapple only meant to be used through the control panel on its gateway? It seems really easy which is a good thing, but sort of limiting because I cannot use it as a wireless network interface and use my tools built into kali, right?


Hi cbankord,

There is a forum just for the WiFi Pineapple NANO, you should post there instead.

You can manage the WiFi Pineapple via the Web Interface, or via SSH where you have access to the existing ASH shell, but you can install BASH or ZSH should you want to.

You can manage monitor mode on the NANO's network interfaces with airmon-ng, a part of the Aircrack-NG suit.

To start a monitor interface on wlan1:

airmon-ng start wlan1

You will then have an interface called "wlan1mon". To stop it, you can do "airmon-ng stop wlan1mon".

Hope this helps.

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