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MK4 Infusions


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MKIV is pretty much useless for me now. Even opkg update stopped working. Urls were changed and https was added on cloud.wifipineapple.com What I need is networkmanager, tcpdump and reaver. Is there any chance of installing it to my MKIV as soon as possible? :rolleyes:

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A lot of people are in the same position myself, moko0243, dustbyter and whistleblower are as you can see working out a solution for this.
May I also suggest while waiting you do some searches on the net especially using google hacks for Mark IV stuff. You can install varous tools like nmap, tcdump ettercap and sslstrip from the openwrt Attitutude adjustment packages archive using opkg.

The markIV is far from usless it is a fantastic learning tool and I for one intend on delveloping more infusions,scripts for it.
this little box is far from dead. to get your opkg working update the sources.list to reflect a working url for openwrt attitude adjustment

and it will work fine, remember to run opkg update first when done, that's all I did and installed some great tools.

Edited by kerravon
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi whistlemaster, are you still willing to upload your version 3.0 modules?

Anybody else out there willing to contribute and up load some modules?

My self and mojo0243 have done our part now its up to you guys, I have worked out how they can

be installed by hand so you can just ftp the individual directories and I can finish

that bit for you. PM and I can setup a login for you.

All the best


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing todo with internet connectivity. It seems that Hak5 removed or moved the opkg repository.


Does not exists anymore.

I have replaced/fixed it by pointing to the MarkV repository as the CPU is both Atheros based.

So far i didn't encounter issues BUT use the following at your own risk, as the repo is meant for markV.

Didn't try to upgrade existing packages as this might conflict with other libraries.. but so far so good installing packages.

1. ssh into your pineapple.

2. vi /etc/opkg.conf

3. change the src/gz

src/gz pineapple_packages http://cloud.wifipineapple.com/mk5/packages

dest root /

dest ram /tmp

lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists

option overlay_root /overlay

dest usb /usb

4. opkg update

try it... opkg install fdisk

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Nothing todo with internet connectivity. It seems that Hak5 removed or moved the opkg repository.


Does not exists anymore.

I have replaced/fixed it by pointing to the MarkV repository as the CPU is both Atheros based.

So far i didn't encounter issues BUT use the following at your own risk, as the repo is meant for markV.

Didn't try to upgrade existing packages as this might conflict with other libraries.. but so far so good installing packages.

1. ssh into your pineapple.

2. vi /etc/opkg.conf

3. change the src/gz

src/gz pineapple_packages http://cloud.wifipineapple.com/mk5/packages

dest root /

dest ram /tmp

lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists

option overlay_root /overlay

dest usb /usb

4. opkg update

try it... opkg install fdisk

We restored almost everything a couple of weeks ago:


Best Regards,


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hi edgecrush3r.

sorry to say no your above fix still doesnt seem solve the problem, I have the PA IV connected now, followed through your steps.

yes opkg update works but I not actually sure in my case it didnt not work anyway. But as for installing infusions it still comes up

error connecting. I have built a script that you can install the modules manually hence my above mentioned post on infusions wanted.

a few people said they would upload infusions they had but only one person has bothered.

I dont know if this had anything to do with mt kitchens PM to me advising me they will protect thier property rights to the full extent of the law, which is strange when the whole pineapple was and is based on 4rd part hardware, open source os and software.

And to add insult to injury I have found several instances where he has supported other people building cheaper versions of the MKIV like pentura labs to name but one.

Nio345, dont be too much in a hurry to buy the latest and greatest version of the pineapple, I did and got a fautly one sent out to me, not sure if this was deliberate or not, but the fault is commonly known for the nano I found out.

All MKIV users with the connection/infusion problem dont hold your breathe for it to be fixed this has been going on for a long time.

I dont understand the lack of support for the MKIV, and it will soon happen with the MKV, why cant hak5 opensource these oder versions and put it on github or the like. A hell of a lot can be learned by tinkering, there are a lot of us out here that are either hardware or software smart. It could end up paying dividends to the development of the pineapple line in the end.

Also last note mr kitchen, interesting the protecting your property right thing, when r00tabaga openly telling people how to unbrick/build their own install openwrt install pineapple firmware and then install thier update. they are commercial and I'm an enthusiast and I get the threat and faulty goods go figure.

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It feels like I just bought my Mark IV. I pulled it out off the shelf tonight to use it for my class and I found that I needed the network manager infusion for the second antenna but now that the infusions are FUBAR I'm down to the base configuration. As a customer I'm not too happy with this kind of treatment.

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This is what I am talking about, I noticed he hasn't commented on my above post, talk about community spirit its seems its non existant with hak5. If they were a uk company we would have legal recourse but their not so we don't.

Question are you sure you have a mark IV , I say this because the markIV has only one antenna the mark V has two. I do have the network manager infusion but as I say its for the singal attenna MKIV.

I think all of us who want to keep the MKIV alive an kicking need to get to gether and sign a massive email of complaint to Darren kitchen and Hak5. and then may be he'll get his head out of his bum and do something about it.



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Hi all,

Whistle blower has kindly replied to my post about the MKIV infusions problem and has uploaded all his

stuff on to git hub. I understand these are for the version 3.0 firmware anyone has problems getting it, let

me know I have a copy and I will email it to you. Please show your appreciation to whistleblower by liking his post https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/37783-markiv-infusions-wanted/page-2#entry275750

You can find the infusions on github at https://github.com/W...r/Pineapple-MK4

Ok people have fun!!!!


kerravon :grin:

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To install any of the infusions kindly donated by whistlemaster (got it right this time)
you will need a usb.

firstly make sure the usb is formatted as ext4, this can be done with gparted.

then create the following directory structure

cd usb
mkdir infusions

copy your infusions you want here

cp -R $name /usb/infusions

then you need to create a symlink for these infusions one by one so they appear in the pineapple bar.

ln -s /usb/infusions/$name /pineapple/components/infusions/$name

where $name is the name of the infusion ie "deauth"

Hope this helps, any probs pm me and I'll look into it.


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OK. anybody out there with infusions for the 2.8.1 version of pineapple firmware want to join the party. lets work together and get

a collection of as many infusions as we possibly can. This can really help with the learning curve of pentesting and security.

no only will you be able to install these goodies, but what about disassembling some of them to see how they work, expand your knowledge, learn to write new code and share back with the community.

Come on peeps lets do it together!!!!



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Here is a list of all the infusions we have so far and donated by whom, following that is a list of others we ant and any you may have written your self thank you all.

blackout mojo243
button mojo243
dnsspoof mojo243
evilportal mojo243
get mojo243
logcheck mojo243
nmap mojo243
smser mojo243
slstrip mojo243
systemcontrol mojo243
urlsnarf mojo243
randomroll 3.2 mojo243

button 2.5 whistlemaster
dnsspoof 1.6 whistlemaster
jammer whistlemaster
logcheck 2.3 whistlemaster
monitor 2.3 whistlemaster
nmap 2.4 whistlemaster
occupineapple 1.6 whistlemaster
opkgmanager 2.3 whistlemaster
pineapplestats-web whistlemaster
pineapplestats whistlemaster
sitesurvey 2.6 whistlemaster
sslstrip 2.9 whistlemaster
status 1.4 whistlemaster
tcpdump 2.4 whistlemaster
trapcookies 1.0 whistlemaster
urlsnarf 2.8 whistlemaster
wifimanager whistlemaster

What we also like :-

deauth 3.1
mitm 1.3
reaver 0.4
ettercap 1.5 r
uwui 1.0
keylogger 1.1
blacklister 2.7
eviljava 2.4
bartender 2.2
iptools 1.1

If you have any of these and would like to donate to the project pleas pm me and we will sort out the details. Thanks one again to everyone for your help in this.



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