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Can you connect to dashboard via USB WIFI dongle?


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Wondering if I can installing a USB WIFI dongle (I have one that works) on to Nano, and connect it via my iPhone and be able to access the dashboard

I only have an iPhone and would like to wirelessly access it. Is this possible, if so how do you go about setting this up?

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Let me see if I understand correctly:

You want to start WiFi tethering on your iPhone, have the WiFi Pineapple connect to that AP and then manage the pineapple?

For that, currently, you'll need a second device, that you can use to connect the pineapple to your iPhone. You only need to do it once, as it will remember your Hotspot.

Edit: you'll also need to find out the IP of the pineapple, which will be in the 192.xxxxxx range. You'll be able to access the WiFi Pineapple using that IP and the port we normally use.

Best regards,


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In this case, I will might try a Raspberry Pi (w/Kali) and connect it to my iPhone via wifi hotspot. Then Nano connect via USB/Eth to Raspberry Pi. Would that work?

Hope there's plan to support iOS hotspot directly to the Wifi Pineapples in the future.

Thanks for the quick response!!

Edited by Monk8
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In this case, I will might try a Raspberry Pi (w/Kali) and connect it to my iPhone via wifi hotspot. Then Nano connect via USB/Eth to Raspberry Pi. Would that work?

Hope there's plan to support iOS hotspot directly to the Wifi Pineapples in the future.

Thanks for the quick response!!

I have not tryed this yet, but if you have a small wifi dongle like the one in the hak shop, set up the nano and start Pine AP or Recon, to turn mon0 mode on for wlan0 i think it is. then plug in your wifi usb dongle and connect to the created AP on your phone using wlan2, connect to that AP and your ip will be something like 192.168.XX.XX You'll have to download a different wifi hotspot app that will show connected devices ip address. Once you have the ip for the nano go to your browser and type that address in with the port number. so 192.168.XX.XX:1471 and it should connect. If you use a different wifi dongle than what you set it up with, the nano will connect to the AP still as its still wlan2, but the IP address will be different because it is a different device. I have mine setup with 2 different wifi dongles in case i have to use one else where and it works just fine with my phone

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