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Feature Requests


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I've been using the Nano & Tetra for a little while now. I like the interface but I would like to see some new features added to future versions if possible.

1) On the "Recon" page, after a scan, it would be nice to see something indicating which SSIDs & MAC address have already been added to the pool or filter. Something like a little green check mark next to it or the MAC highlighted in a color that wil indicate which you have already added. If I'm trying to target all devices that connect to a network that I'm testing and I run the recon multiple times I have no idea which ones from the 2nd scan have already been added.

2) On the "Recon" page, It would be nice to have an option in the SSID drop down menu to add all of the client MACs associated with that network to the filter instead of having to do them 1 at a time.

3) When adding SSIDs or MAC Addresses to the Pool/Filter from the Recon screen, in order to close the pop up window that you add them from, you have to click the tiny little 'X' in the upper right corner. It would be nice if you could just click anywhere on the greyed out area behind the pop up window. Similar to how you can click outside of a picture on facebook to close it. See attached image.


4) I upgraded to the newest firmware this afternoon and noticed that I couldn't find an option to backup all of my modules and settings prior to the upgrade in order to restore them after flashing the new firmware. It would be nice if this could be built in to a future version so I don't have to manually set everything up again and re-download all the modules and dependencies every time there is an update.

5) Is there a reason why certain options always go back to default when you go back to the page it's on?

6) This isn't a feature request but I'm wondering if anyone else noticed it as well. I'm thinking there may be a bug but I don't want to submit it until I can duplicate it more frequently. I'm using the RALINK USB WIFI Dongle from the Hakshop in order to connect via client mode (wlan2) at my house. Prior to the most recent firmware I noticed that after a while the client connection would drop and the pineapple would no longer be connected to the internet. I had to go back in to the Management AP and manually connect it again. It was an annoyance but I was able to do it. After upgrading to the newest firmware I had the same issue but when I went in to the management AP and rescanned for networks the one I was connected to (my home network) no longer showed up. I had to manually power cycle the device. I re-connected it and after a while it happened again. This time no networks show up when I scan wlan2. I just get the "No networks found" message which I know isn't true.

7) Is there a way to have the pineapple automatically connect to a specific network via client mode on boot up? I couldn't seem to do it. I would like it set so that it automatically connect to my home network every time it's powered on. That way if I lose power and it reboots when the power turns back on, I don't have to go back in and configure it again.

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Hi DigitalData,

  1. That sounds like it would be a good idea. I'll see what I can do.
  2. I agree. I'll see get that added soon.
  3. The reason you have to press the X is that on mobile the modal would disappear by accident. I'll add the escape button cancelling it.
  4. This functionality does not exist yet, but will in the future.
  5. Which options do you mean?
  6. The mac80211 driver has been a bit of a nuisance lately. I'll be doing some more testing on that soon.
  7. It should do that automatically, as long as the network is in range. Once you connect to a network using Clientmode, a reboot should reconnect.

Best Regards,


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8) I know there is a Deauth module using MDK3, but it would be useful to add continuous deauth to an specific AP or client in the Recon mode.

There usually is not a good legal reason to do this, which is why we don't offer that ability natively.

Best regards,


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Sebkinne there is a legal reason for us to have this function actually.any property owner has the right to deauth all wifi on his property.I would see it as a option to make your house more secure and keep it a dead zone and force using cat 6 cable for a connection ;)

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Sebkinne there is a legal reason for us to have this function actually.any property owner has the right to deauth all wifi on his property.I would see it as a option to make your house more secure and keep it a dead zone and force using cat 6 cable for a connection ;)

The FCC does no agree with you there though..

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