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Microsoft Surface Pro + Hyper-V + Kali 2016.1+WiFi Pineapple NANO


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(Tested on Surface Pro 2, 3, and 4)

- To start on the Surface Pro, follow Darren's guide provided on Pineapple University. Once completed, you should have your WiFi Pineapple setup and receiving internet from your Windows host.

- Download Kali Linux 2016.1

- On your Windows host, go to Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features -> Uninstall or change a program -> Turn Windows Features on or off. Turn on "Hyper-V" then restart your machine.

- After the restart, search for and open Hyper-V Manager. Within the application right-click your host and select New->Virtual Machine. Give it a name and choose the storage location. (IMPORTANT) Choose Generation 1, then continue to configure the machine [Note: On the Surface Pro 2 I found it to run best at 1-2 processors and 1gb RAM].

- After the VM is setup, go to the right-side menu and select Virtual Switch Manager. Select Create Virtual Switch: External and use the WiFi Pineapple Nano as the adapter (ASIX ....USB2.0 to Fast Ethernet Adapter). Once completed, close out of this window.

- Open Network and Sharing Center and go to Change Adapter Settings. Go to your main internet connection that you are using to share internet to the WiFi Pineapple Nano with (completed in the beginning) and go to the "Sharing" tab. Within the tab, chose the new Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter as the "Home networking connection". Click Ok and close the window.

- Go to the new Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter and change the default IP it was given to, click OK, then close the window.

- Go back to the VM you made within Hyper-V, right-click it and choose Settings...Select the Network Adapter and ensure that you change the "Virtual Switch" to the new Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter that you made. Once done, you can close out of this and start the VM/install Kali.

- Once Kali is installed, you will find that you have access to the WiFi Pineapple as well as internet (for the Pineapple, Kali, and Windows host).

Hope this helps someone; continue to be creative!



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