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Rooted Droid and Pineapple Nano?


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I have a Motorola Android Droid 1 that I am going to root to run linux.

-Does anyone have recommendations on which Linux Distro and why?

then I can connect it to to the Pineapple Nano via USB

any suggestions on interface or possibilities or applications?

I also have a Pineapple MarkIV I could throw in the mix.

Time to brainstorm.

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Sorry Guys I made a typo

I actually have the Motorola Droid Bionic

the specs are as follows:

Processor 1 GHz TI OMAP 4430 (dual-core ARM Cortex-A9)

Ram: 1 GB

Mobile Tethering: Yes

16 GB HD

MicroSD card expandable to 64 GB


High Speed USB Micro A port


If I had 2 of the same model of Bionic, could I load the same linux on both and cluster them?


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Rooting your phone and installing a non-Android Linux distro on it are two very, VERY different things. Though if you have 2 of them the process should certainly be repeatable. Clustering is a bit of a broad term. What type of task do you want to cluster?

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I'm running backbox linux which has all the android tools already installed, I also have a second machine running windows 7 pro. I am new to linux but trying to learn quickly and since I have never rooted a android before I am all ears for advice and methods. I know this may be an ambitious project for a beginner but I like to aim for the moon and learn along the way.

I looked at Ubuntu Touch and couldn't find the download for it.

I am doing a similar project with three identical laptops as nodes for an asus workstation which will be the master node and I am going to try Rocks for that project.

I am a big fan of the HAK5 products as I have the nano, 2 turtles, and the rubber ducky. I guess I am a little ahead of myself in some of the technical skills aspects but I am a fast learner so any advice I'd appreciate that would help me. I'm currently learning C and the linux command line and I'd say I'm a beginner-intermediate with those. Again thanks for the replies and any knowledge yall would like to pass my way would be greatly appreciated.

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There's this but it mostly starts Ubuntu stuff from within Android. No Linux kernel, but Android is Linux so... The upshot here is that it's probably fairly easy to revert and you don't have to worry about supporting all the funky shit that your phone has inside, like a mobile graphics adapter. If you want to know how much fun it is to develop free/open drivers for those, read libv's livejournal.

What it all boils down to is that if you want to mess around with a cluster, get 2 cheap PCs. If you want to use ARM chips for your cluster, get 2 devices based on the AllWinner A20 chip, like the PcDuino 3 Nano. If you want it cheaper than that, and can live with fiddling around with possibly unsupported stuff, get an Orange Pi for $15.

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