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How often does one need to upgrade the pineapple?


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Hopefully this is in the right forum if not you guys know what to do. Anywho I've been playing around with the idea of getting a pineapple and was wondering if I bought the mark 5 or Mark 6 when the new model came out would I need to buy a new one or can you just keep upgrading the old software? What is the life expectancy of a pineapple? Is there an end of life date?


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Hopefully this is in the right forum if not you guys know what to do. Anywho I've been playing around with the idea of getting a pineapple and was wondering if I bought the mark 5 or Mark 6 when the new model came out would I need to buy a new one or can you just keep upgrading the old software? What is the life expectancy of a pineapple? Is there an end of life date?



I am relatively new but I think I can give a first answer.

Pineapples are very well supported by Hak5. Consider that the previous incarnation, WiFi Pineapple V, has been launched in October 2013. Hak5 is about to provide the new 6th generation shell also to it, in February-March 2016: I have seen an announcement very recently; well, sort of. :)

With the new interface, Wifi Pineapple will prolong its life for many more years. There are many who continue to use Mark IV or even older versions of WiFi Pineapple, even if they are not improved anymore. But this does not mean that they are dead! On the contrary: they could tell you many interesting stories on the goals achieved with them!

It is quite natural for Hak5 to create new Firmwares very frequently, for new products, and to slow a bit as time passes, platform stabilizes and new projects are fired up. But it is your choice to upgrade or not. Right now the 6th generation platform is relatively unstable but it is growing fast: maturity is yet to come, but it is not too far.

To answer your question, it is my personal idea but I feel that if you have a WiFi Pineapple V you would be able to play with the new interface for some years, having performances and features similar to the Nano. If you are going to buy a Tetra, you should be able to enjoy top notch performances and services for at least two or three years. But this is my idea, based on the historical evidences about Hak5 behaviors and considering the latest messages from Darren and the others. I am sure they will disprove me in 5 minutes time. :)

That said, I have 15+ year of experience in IT, and I have rarely seen the passion and dedication I have seen in Hak5. I am sure that you will not been disappointed.

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simonec summed it up very well. I am relatively old (got into pineapples with markIII). Honestly going back to the MarkIV gives you everything you could need about the pineapple, you just miss out on conveniences. ALL the pineapples run digininja's jasegar (a term not used much anymore around these parts) - the magical part of the pineapple that "Says Yes" to probe requests. MarkI-IV all perform about the same (saying Yes) - the MarkV was different because thats when Seb took over 100% and created PineAP (with the help of others like DK, I'm sure). PineAP is boosts Jasegar's performance a bit, and makes it dead simple. That said, you can absolutely do the PineAP stuff manually with a MarkIII and IV by using additional wifi radios attached via the USB on the pineapple. I still run my MarkIV quite a bit because it has the dual ethernets - so I can "Monkey in the Middle" and do a manual version of PineAP all at once. The MIPS proc's in all the pineapples since the IV are plenty powerful for just about anything you can throw at them.

The biggest benefit to getting the latest/greatest hardware, is the community support will be greater (many more eyes and minds on the NANO forums as opposed to the old MarkIV). But if you know what you're doing, you can get away with an old AP121U flashed with the pineapple firmware and accomplish any goals you might have.


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I need to do some commjacking tests on my network. My colleagues recommended the Pineapple Mark V but theat's EOL. The Tettra is OOS and the Nano is in a dev/test stage. I need something soon, do I order the Nano because it's the only one available even if I'm not planning to do development?

Or am I just SOL?

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Go ahead and order the NANO if you need something soon - its fully baked and ready to rock man. Works like a champ. That said, its geared up for a portable, "on the go" hacking. If you're doing some stuff stationary and want the extra range/power the TETRA is the beast for you. You'd have to pester Darren/Seb to see when they'll be back in the store...

If you just want to get something going quick, you can always try eBay the Trading Post on these forums for a MarkV. You could also search around for an ALFA AP121U - its the markIV hardware and still packs a punch when you load up the pineapple firmware. Not as pretty of an interface and it won't support easy-mode PineAP, but it might do the trick.


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