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metasploit and exploit finding


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I've been seeking online for a complete tutorial that goes from finding if a computer is vulnerable to an exploit
to getting a meterpreter session without the use of trojans.
The things that are missing are...

1.the exact procedure of scanning a pc to find if it is vulnerable (and if it is possible a pc outside a local network and how is it possible to scan individual compuiters that are behind routers?)

2. Importing a new exploit that isnt already inside the metasploit framework.

3. setting a backdoor without the use of the persistance command of the meterpreter.

4. the procedure of the triggering of the exploit on the victim machine (what happens exactly?)

any kind of info is apreciated.

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You can always look on CVE-Details and Exploit-db

for the latest exploits. Then you can look up a tutorial for each of them on YouTube.

You can also start msfconsole and use

search exploits

And by using search you can modules in metasploit. So you find an example you want to try out something like exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi you can search for that exploit specifically.

You can ad something to it like tutorial, youtube, or rapid7 you
are bound to find a tutorial sooner than later. Also check out

Packt Publishing and No Starch Press

If you are looking for a book with a story to follow. Amazon.

Edited by vailixi
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