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Reverse Tunnel for the GUI


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Hello there,

I was playing around with my pineapple and managed to set up a reverse ssh with autossh so I can connect to my pineapple through my home server even if the pineapple is on another network,

So far much fun, but today I was wondering if it would be possible to tunnel the http traffic from the WebGUI on port 1471 to my server using the same idea...?

So far I tried with a similar config to the reverse SSH tunnel in /etc/config/autossh :

config autossh
        option ssh      '-i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -N -T -R 420:localhost:22 root@example.com'
        option gatetime '0'
        option monitorport      '20000'
        option poll     '600'

I have been told that I can make multiple tunnels by simply adding more instances of:

-R port:hostname:hostport

It seems to work for other SSH sessions on other ports,

But with my testing I had no luck forwarding http traffic from port 1471 with:

-R 1471:localhost:1471

Does anyone has an idea on how this could be done?

I must be missing something here, something to install/configure on the home server perhaps..?

My goal is simply to be able to manage my pineapple from the GUI and SSH through my home server when I deploy it remotely.

Feel free to suggest any other method of achieving the said goal, with persistence of course.

Edited by PK_420
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I got this working a different way. I didn't want the web interface public all the time so I didn't configure with autossh on the pineapple.

Instead, I made an entry in ~/.ssh/config on the relay server. I can ssh in to the relay server and type `ssh publicpi` and then I can access the web interface from anywhere by going to http:<relay_server>:8888

Host publicpi
  Hostname localhost
  User root
  Port 4255
  IdentityFile ~/path_to/pineapple/id_rsa
  LocalForward localhost:1471

Since autossh is already connected to the relay server with -R, you can access the pineapple with `localhost`. If you're interested in the manual command, it looks like this

ssh -i ~/path_to/pineapple/id_rsa -L 0:0:0:0:8888 localhost:1471 root@localhost

When I'm done with the GUI, I kill the ssh session on the relay server.

Also, since the ssh client can fire one-off commands, anywhere I can get to the relay server I can type

ssh -t <relay_server> ssh publicpi

and get a shell to the pineapple AND a public web interface. The `-t` tells the client to use <relay_server> as a tunnel

Edited by audibleblink
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If this doesn't work, it is most likely because remote forwarding is disabled by default. Go to your server (in this case example.com) and add the following to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

GatewayPorts yes


This was indeed the config option that was missing on the relay server,

Thank you very much for your support :)

Edited by PK_420
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Just one thing I noticed while trying to reproduce your issue (and the desired results): The autossh file is in /etc/config not /etc/conf


I edited the post with the correct file path ;)

Thank you for pointing that out,

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm not sure what the correct terminology is here, so I'm having trouble go ogling this.

I want to be able to connect my nano to the internet someplace in china, and then be able to ssh into it from a computer at home. Kind of like a video on hak5 with the Lan turtle.

I have a spare machine I could leave running at home if needed. And I've got a few services such as dyndns that I can point to my home ip.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks

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