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how to download, install, and configure the mark v and do I need and SD card?


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So, I want to install the USB packages:

root@pineapple:# opkg --dest usb install tmux gpsd gpsd-clients
root@pineapple:# opkg install kernel kmod-usb-serial-pl2303

It gives me errors saying it doesn't recognize the command and can't locate the packages when I use "apt-get install".

I am a beginner at wireless hacking and I'm just starting to use the WiFi pineapple. It would also be nice if someone had read "Hacking Exposed: Wireless Edition", although not neccessary, since that's where I'm getting these instructions from. I'm trying to do this on kali linux 2.0

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Also, it doesn't recognize the wifi pineapple ethernet cable. I don't have the SD card plugged into the computer, only the pineapple. lol. The output is:

root@blackJesus:~# opkg update && opkg install
bash: opkg command not found

My pineapple won't connect in a way where I can use it on the cmd line is my guess. I can connect to it to configure it in the browser though. But that can't be enough to use it to learn wifi pen testing.

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You need to be ssh'd into the pineapple for the opkg commands to work. It also needs the internet to work. So the first thing you need to do is get the pineapple tethered to either your computer, or your wifi in client mode. A sd card is preferable, since the pineapple doesn't have that much available space.

Wait, what are you trying to do???? That command doesn't make sense. I didn't know the hacking exposed books had the pineapple in them.

Edited by barry99705
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The Hacking Exposed Wireless Edition does for sure because I'm trying to do it right now. So then, I ssh into the pineapple. I'll do that. That was the command I tried when this command didn't work:

opkg --dest usb install tmux gpsd gpsd-clients

You'll need to use "--dest sd" on the MKV,not usb.

Bsst regards,


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