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tell me something I don't Know


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Tell you something you don't know? What is this truth or date? I'll bite.

When I was 9 I built a rip cord in my back yard between two trees. I didn't have enough rope to make it all the way across so I tied to pieces together. I climbed the taller tree and hung off the rope with a plastic horse shoe. The beta test was successful so I called my father over to see my new invention. He warned about the knot but I explained that it was sturdy.

Half way through the second trip it snapped and I landed on my ass. w00t for beta.

Now it's your turn

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^^ Had that been Microsoft it would have been RTM

--- I enjoy long walks along the train tracks with hopes that someone will walk the other way towards me so I can push them into the oncoming train... oops I mean, save them from the oncoming train.

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Tell you something you don't know? What is this truth or date? I'll bite.

When I was 9 I built a rip cord in my back yard between two trees. I didn't have enough rope to make it all the way across so I tied to pieces together. I climbed the taller tree and hung off the rope with a plastic horse shoe. The beta test was successful so I called my father over to see my new invention. He warned about the knot but I explained that it was sturdy.

Half way through the second trip it snapped and I landed on my ass. w00t for beta.

Now it's your turn

LMFAO .. smart one ....

hmm MP3 play Hearing aid?

why do you need them anyway, spending too much time in moshpits?

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well the tell me something i don't know came from the fact that i kinda knew that I neaded hearing aid's , the first thought to come to mind Wifi recever? but I think the LED idia would be sweet I start the prosess of picking them out on monday im not going to have anything to do with the kind that go in the ear that can't be seen , I want to be able to have fun with them.

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I was told that I will nead hearing Aids to day. Can you guess what my first thought was? ( int : think of what type of fourmI'm posting to)

lol. My fiance is going to need hearing aids soon. /me thinks about boosting them to pick up sound from across the room. or perhaps radar?

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