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Lan Turtle not showing up on OS X El Capitan

Go to solution Solved by telot,

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Hey all - have any other mac users upgraded to El Capitan? I did last week, and since then my Lan Turtle won't show up in the Network Preferences pane any more. I made sure my lan turtle wasn't borked by plugging it into an old Mountain Lion mac I have - works like a charm and shows right up as a USB Ethernet adapter. On my El Cap machine, I can pass the device to a VM in virtual box, so I know El Cap is seeing the device, it just doesn't populate it or receive an IP address from it. Any ideas? Thanks!


Edit: Feels odd, but I marked my reply below as Best Answer for future searchers.

Edited by telot
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No prob Darren. To clarify, the device was visible to Virtualbox, and gave the option to pass it through to a VM. It wasn't visible to OSX's network preferences screen (so no option to set a static). I was however able to download the driver from realtek's site and get it working. This might inhibit a pentest against an el capitan victim, but for my own testing it works just dandy!



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That's interesting. I've only ever noticed this behavior once before which was with a Windows 7 box in testing. As it turns out if the copy of Windows hasn't been activated (or in this case has expired) it won't allow Windows Update to fetch the WHQL driver. I don't have the Mac experience to know if there's something similar going on here since you're running a copy in a VM - just speculating. If I get a chance I might test on a macbook at the Apple store next time I'm around the shops.

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Hey Mr-P! Long time no see (figuratively speaking of course)! I was running in a Win7 VM (not activated). To clarify, I was just going to the Devices menu in virtual box, to USB Devices, and I saw the generic description "USB to Ethernet Adapter" - ready for pass through.

It's all good Darren - as long as its working for testing on my OS X box, thats all I need. If others are doing a legit pentest in a mac-heavy environment, they might have to pair their attack with a USB Rubbery ducky that has a script to download the drivers (and restart...could be tricky).

Thanks for verifying this for me denningsrogue and Mr P - its nice to know I'm not the only one.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Darren,

Thanks to telot, I went to Realtek's site and downloaded the driver for MAC OS X El Capitan. This at least got the LAN Turtle recognized by the OS with a DHCP address of


But then, when I try to login from my terminal to, I get:

MacBook-Pro:~ triple-h$ ssh root@

ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out

OK, so, what if I manually configure the IP address to


Nope, I still get:

MacBook-Pro:~ triple-h$ ssh root@

ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out

Any other ideas? Thanks.

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