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Cannot connect to

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I received my new Pineapple last week and have not been able to connect to the server.

I have done a factory reset (twice), put in a new SD card and followed numerous connection guides on this site and others.

The Pineapple is working - green light with flickering orange, blue, red.

I am out of ideas - any suggestions please?

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You have connected the Ethernet cable right?

Also you could try this method although I'm not sure if it will work if you just flashed it:

1. Connect Pineapple to your router via Ethernet.

2. Check your router for connected devices and find the IP of the Pineapple.

3. Try to connect with:


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Thanks for your reply Crazyclown - I probably should have mentioned I am not connecting via a router - plugging ethernet cable into laptop and trying to connect to server via wi-fi. I can't ping the Pineapple either when I do this. I am complete beginner to this stuff.

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Hi smeardoss

First make sure the ethernet cable is good - so switch to a known working one.

1. check all 4 dip switches on the side are in the up position (assuming you have the lights on top)

2. when entering the ip - only use (don't add the :1471)

3. are you using windows/linux? if you are using vbox/vmware exit this first and use your default os browser.

4. make sure your network config (windows/linux) show that the ethernet is connected.

5. if all fails try manually getting into the Pineapple. In linux open a terminal and enter the following - ssh root@

it will then ask for your password. If all goes well you will be in the pineapple and you can configure it from a command line (ifconfig/airmon-ng/airodump-ng etc) I prefer the command line anyway as it lets me run scripts like wifite easiliy.

dont worry too much - I was a total beginner a few months ago and now i am really enjoying learning about this stuff. What I have found is that some things just plain do not work out of the box and require some tinkering.

Good luck and if you are not already, use Kali natively on your laptop - i have dual os's kali and windows 7. The bonus of having it natively instead of a virtual machine is that you can use the graphics card and accelerate cracking etc. Also things are recognised easily.

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Thank you for your detailed answer Scott2013

I have now managed to connect to the server but...more problems.

I can't find any info that addresses this new problem which is : after completing windows tethering (following the tutorial Windows Internet Connection Sharing @ Pineapple University to a T) I successfully access the server.

I head to the network tile and click on 'show' internet IP and I get a connection error.

When I go back to the IPv4 for the ethernet connection, the IP address and Subnet Mask have been reset to blank. It doesn't matter how many times I re-enter etc the same thing happens.

Could this be a problem with my SD Card?

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Thank you for your detailed answer Scott2013

I have now managed to connect to the server but...more problems.

I can't find any info that addresses this new problem which is : after completing windows tethering (following the tutorial Windows Internet Connection Sharing @ Pineapple University to a T) I successfully access the server.

I head to the network tile and click on 'show' internet IP and I get a connection error.

When I go back to the IPv4 for the ethernet connection, the IP address and Subnet Mask have been reset to blank. It doesn't matter how many times I re-enter etc the same thing happens.

Could this be a problem with my SD Card?

Wait. Where are you inputting

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Finally got this fixed - here's what i did - keep in mind I am a complete beginner to networking etc

did a fresh install of windows(upgraded from 7 to 8.1) - this reset the network connections that i had completely stuffed up somehow

unbricked pineapple

flashed firmware

formatted sd

I can now access server

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