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remote desktop conection


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You probably don't want to use MS RDP unless you are doing it over a VPN. UltraVNC is the only non-propitiatory VNC software that supports encryption. You will need to setup port forwarding and configure any and all firewalls to allow traffic in on TCP port 5900 if you choose to use UltraVNC (really you shouldn't use the default port, but if you set up UltraVNC to not allow non-matching key pairs your safe).

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Why wouldn't you want to use the regular Remote Desktop? It is encrypted and I haven't heard of any security problems except the regular man in the middle that many many things are vulnerable to. With the excellent performance it has on slow connections I don't see why you would use anything else if you are running XP Pro.

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i have just installed ultra VNC and it works really good

is VNC safe ?

You should probably look into running it over a VPN, as in the long run you need to lock it down or Something Nasty will happen. Make sure you use a decent password at the very least.

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i have just installed ultra VNC and it works really good

is VNC safe ?

You should probably look into running it over a VPN, as in the long run you need to lock it down or Something Nasty will happen. Make sure you use a decent password at the very least.

that's true or ttunnel the traffic you never know what information a person can intercept. and by the way RDP is prone to brute forcing and dictionary attacks and their are practical tools for it aswell same goes to VNC. tools like hydra and i saw a video on milw0rm about rdp brute forcing aswell

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when i an using VNC i and connection to the other computer useing wireless in my own home is this still very unsafe even know i am using a safe password and my home is in an area of very little if not one use of wireless

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Wireless is inherently insecure, there is nothing you can do about it apart form turn it off and only turn it on when you need it. Use WPA encryption with no broadcast SSID and configure the access point to route all traffic to a VPN server so you have to connect to the VPN server to be able to do any thing.

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One thing we should point out here, all of the stuff we're talking about (regarding hacking) is possible, but its unlikely that people will go to that effort to hack you. Its impossible to be 100% safe (without pulling the plug), so all you can do is make yourself as difficult as possible to hack. If you live in an area with lots of wifi, make sure yours is sercure, as any hackers are more likely to go for the easy targets. So you can use wifi for VNC, just use a 63char password with mixed caps, numbers and symbols, and if you think you need it, a VPN.

Just having a network connection is a sercurity risk tbh.

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the wireless im running in my home is password portected

would it be really nessarry to set up any tunnells etc if im only using the remote conection for short times

my main fear is that some one could hack into the remote computer from the internet when im remotely conected, im not so worried about people in my area hacking by gaining acess to my wireless

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Hey guys, pretty interesting thread. One thing I'm not understanding is how to do everything through a VPN? As far as I knew VPN was just a way to connect to your private network. So reading that using RDP over a VPN the idea I'm getting is to connect to the VPN first then use RDP?

What sounds interesting is routing all wireless traffic through a VPN Server so that connection has to be made before you can do anything :D Is it possible someone could provide a link/tutorial to do this?

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I just looked through my router which is a linksys WRT54GS and in the Setup --> Advanced Routing tab that area has a route table and gives the option to set a route for the Gateway or Router and for LAN & Wireless or WAN I'm assuming this would relate to routing wireless traffic through a VPN Server? Now I'm just curious how to set it all up if so :D

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A naked VNC/RDP on the internet is like sucking a power cord.
ditto and same for his last message

you don't have to be overly protective but the more paranoid you are the better if you are in a area that is not congested with wifi then it's a good idea to have wpa/wpa2 with keys changed every few months and a good long rdp/vnc passphrase again changed regularly and if possible a vpn should be fine but for higher the wifi congestion the more paranoid you should be especially. if you are near businesses or shops

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