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Is there to find the username and password for my Buffalo airstation N150


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Hi my name is alan

i am having issues with my isp with them enabling ports on the router installed at my house i have tried calling them time and time again and they don't seen to help

i am using a wireless connection and they have put a password on the router ( Buffalo airstation N150) and i can't access it to do port forwarding..etc

is there any way i mean any tool i can use to extract the username and password

the router looks like this


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Most ISP's don't touch home routers unless it's an all in one modem/router(which doesn't look like it since I have a craptastic buffalo router that looks similr to the one you are using, but is an older 802.11ab only router), but if it's your router(never heard of an ISP messing with your own router, how did they get into it in the first place??) Reset, reset, reset..

unplug the ethernet from the modem to the router, hold in the power button or unplug while holding in the reset button, turn on, release reset button, find default password - https://www.google.com/search?num=50&newwindow=1&site=&source=hp&q=default+router+passwords&oq=default+router&gs_l=hp.3.0.0l10.75.6833.0.7460. and login locally while off line, change the default passwords, disable remote administration, then plug back into the modem. From there you should be able to do whatever you want to configure the device, update firwamre to whatever it supports, etc.

If it's THEIR equipment, you don't have much choice though, and may find yourself off line if you try resetting it without knowing if they put in custom DNS and server authentication settings to the ISP, but that is rare these days that you would need to do anything unless it's an all in one modem/router from the ISP, which they configure the gateways settings and don't leave much wiggle room. Especially on something like Verizon, for which you just get another router, plug it in configured how you want, and if you have to, tunnel around things they've disabled or opened to your inside network since they have backdoor logins for different admin panels than the lan side can see.

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If they manage your router, they will *NEVER* provide you with the password.

The thing for you to do here is to then assume that the device is part of the ISP network and external to your local network. You should buy another router over which you have full control and tell the ISP to put their router (the dinky toy they provided you with and don't allow you to modify) into 'bridge' mode. It makes that router simply a pass-through pipe. They can retain full control over their device but you have full control (and responsibility!) about the traffic going across it.

You want to end up with something like this:

Their network | Your network

ISP Network <-> N150 <-|-> Your Router <-> Your LAN

The N150 should be in bridged mode, meaning all incoming traffic goes to 1 LAN port and the wifi capabilities of the device will be deactivated. You set up your router to provide wifi and such at your leasure.

Edited by Cooper
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Their router is probably already in bridge mode(which is on by default with most hardware), plug in another router via ethernet, and go from there. If you used wifi, you would only be a repeater, for which you would get all your settings from their gatway and would drop your routers firewall in the process. This is how I have my house setup now since we connect over wifi, one end of the house to the other since we have no ethernet to reach that far. We own both routers though so I can lock down the upstairs one before we connect to it with ours at the other end of the house.

If they have ports open on the router that leave your internal lan exposed, just get another router and plug it into one of the ethernet ports on their router and setup your walled garden from there using your router as an internal firewall to your lan. If they block ports or don't let you port forward a service to an inside machine(which you won't be able to do since you can't administer their router settings), there are ways around this depending on what you need to use, which almost anything can be tunneled in and out of a network these days without the need for port forwarding, and you get the added benefit of encryption with your tunnel. VPN service would also help negate any issues as well, but I would be default put my own equipment inline so I can block open ports and control what can see my internal networks.

PC Games are probably using their own ports and protocols already as well as consoles these days, and I've never had to setup port forwarding for anything other than maybe changing RDP to a specific internal IP for people's machines who I did work for from home, but there are better tools these days that can do that and more with encryption and don't need any ports opened, such as team viewer which I've moved over to and much safer to use.

Bottom line, if there isn't anything you need to open to the outside, get another router and use it as your lan's main gateway.

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