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Robotic arm ideas


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Hey guys I just got a uarm. This is an arduino controlled robotic arm from ufactory. I know arduino has limitations but what kinds of cool things can I do with it. Sorry I cannot come up with any ideas.

Here is a picture. It uses a vacuum suction cup to lift things.


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Well, you already came up with the getting it to play chess idea, which is a good idea with as only caveat that you're going to have to make it happen yourself. There are open source chess programs out there so all that's left is to have the arm understand how to pick up a piece from a specific location on the board (I'm thinking the board and the arm are attached to eachother, so you don't have to (re)calibrate every 10 seconds) and get it to put it back in the new location.

So start simple. Draw 2 squares, some distance apart. Place an item of your choice (like that apple as in your image) in one of the squares and get the arm to pick it up and move it to the other square. Repeat in the opposite direction. That'll be hard enough for now.

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