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router died kinda funny


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soooo my craptastic no name router my dad decided to buy finally died after six months of internet hell, it sucked the thing overheated and would shut off so we had to mod a heatsink onto the chipset on a 120 mm fan to keep it cool.


when connecting to peers on torrents, it would also decide to die.... THANK GOD FOR LIGHTNING AND NO SURGE PROTECTOR

so now I'm happy with my WRT54G...


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over heating routers are funny

out of boredom one day during the school holiday i started udp flooding and DOS my wireless printer to see it performance testing .there where some funny outcomes, the printer completely froze and the printer was not accepting any input even on the keypad and quick power cord yank and it's back to normal. just kind of funny what you'll do out of boredom

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