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Intellij - Working on a remote machine


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Hello, I am a programmer who suffers from a really crappy internet connection at the office, which is a problem because I am pulling about 100 gigs of data every month. So my company has provided me with a VPS to test all of my code on but its really annoying writing the program on my computer and then uploading to the vps. Now I know that i can sshfs the folder on my VPS containing my source code and then open the project in my IDE (intellij and pycharm mostly) so that this way the files are already on the vps but - is there a way that I can run the program on the VPS and still get the output in the IDEs console on my local computer?

This would be the most amazing thing ever if anyone knows of a way

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If there's a way, it'll be highly specific to the IDE because I suspect you don't just want the output but also the full plethora of debugging options. Breakpoints and what not.

If it really is just program output, you could use your build script to help you a bit. I'd think gradle or ant would do well here. Maven is a bit trickier.

Upload your program to the VPS. There's a process running there which looks for a specific trigger file that gets uploaded last. Once that file appears, the process removes the trigger file, runs your program and when the process completes it creates a second trigger file after which the process returns to looping on the first trigger file. Your build script after uploading would loop on the second trigger file and once it appears it would download any output you're interested in and call it a day.

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If there's a way, it'll be highly specific to the IDE because I suspect you don't just want the output but also the full plethora of debugging options. Breakpoints and what not.

If it really is just program output, you could use your build script to help you a bit. I'd think gradle or ant would do well here. Maven is a bit trickier.

Upload your program to the VPS. There's a process running there which looks for a specific trigger file that gets uploaded last. Once that file appears, the process removes the trigger file, runs your program and when the process completes it creates a second trigger file after which the process returns to looping on the first trigger file. Your build script after uploading would loop on the second trigger file and once it appears it would download any output you're interested in and call it a day.

Okay that seems like the next best thing, If there was an idea that could do remote debugging I'd totally pay for it

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I'm not sure what your requirements are for the VPS but I found these results on Google. It seems you can do some remote debugging with Eclipse, PyDev, and GDB. I'm not sure if GDB can be used with Python code though, I've never tried it myself.


Edited by sud0nick
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I'm not sure what your requirements are for the VPS but I found these results on Google. It seems you can do some remote debugging with Eclipse, PyDev, and GDB. I'm not sure if GDB can be used with Python code though, I've never tried it myself.


The reason I have it is because the connection in my office is terrible and when I'm pulling loads of data 1. its slow 2. the network usually goes down because I'm using all of the bandwidth. So I do all of the heavy lifting on the vps which has a connection that is a lot more reliable. Its a quad core linux box with 4gb of ram so it gets the job done

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It seems to be all windows solutions and eclipse but I refuse to resort to eclipse (once you go with jet-brains IDEs you never go back). intelij seems to have something for remote debugging but after reading it briefly it didn't seem to be what I was looking for.

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Can you use remote desktop from the VPS? (By which I mean start the IDE on the VPS and forward the X traffic to your local machine)

Edited by Cooper
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Can you use remote desktop from the VPS? (By which I mean start the IDE on the VPS and forward the X traffic to your local machine)

Thats an option I was considering doing as well (I love that X is a network service!). I'd like to have the IDE on my local dev machine though. I'm looking at the pro version of intellij it looks like they have the best solution but its locked behind their paywall of $400 0.o

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Imagine how much time you'd save if you had the pro version and multiply that with your hourly wage. Show the figure to your manager. Unless they're paying you chump change, this should be a no-brainer.

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Imagine how much time you'd save if you had the pro version and multiply that with your hourly wage. Show the figure to your manager. Unless they're paying you chump change, this should be a no-brainer.

I sent it to my boss and 5 minutes later got a license :D

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Told you.

Universal truth when it comes to managers: Prove something will save them money in the fairly short term and you get your wish.

Better still, you've just shown to your manager that you're not an office drone, but a professional with above-average insight into the world of management - that rare breed of specialist that can bridge the gap between the world of management and the world of tech. If you were to be up for review, this would get counted in your favour.

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Side note: The pro version of IntelliJ is amazing. Remote Debugging, Mongo Navigator, Auto SSH, they even have a VIM emulation mode if you're into that.

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