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upgrade to 2.1.1 times out


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starting from a fresh start, a fresh pineapple, i set up my password and log in. everythings working fine. i go to the wifi pineapple mk5 tile and i have firmware version 1.2.0. i open the tile and check for an upgrade. there is one available. i click flash to start the upgrade. it downloads the new firmware and the pineapple starts spinning, informing me this may take a while. it never goes any further than that. i have left it for 3 hours and it wont go past that point. the computer screen says my md5sum is fine, however on the pineapple itself all 4 leds are solid.

i have had to restore it back to factory, this is my 4 forth time now. the pins are all in the up position. i have tried saving the upgrade bin file the sd card, different sd card, i dont understand what i am doing wrong here.

any help would be appreciated,



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If you don't need to control the Pineapple from iOS or Safari on a Mac, don't bother with upgrading (and consequently wiping your settings). 2.1.1 fixes nothing except for an issue with Safari.

Good point. Unless if jnkfile really is running on 1.2.0 and that wasn't a typo. :unsure:

Edited by sud0nick
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SCP is Secure Copy. If you are running Windows you can download WinSCP from http://winscp.net/eng/download.php. If you have Linux it should already be built in but if not you should be able to find it easily with apt-get.


Here is a page with examples of using SCP in Linux if that's what you have.


Edited by sud0nick
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ok, so i was able to transfer the bin file over to the pineapple with scp /root/Downloads/upgrade-2.1.1.bin root@ all good there. the other steps lead me to believe that i should be connected to the pineapple via some kind of CLI terminal. how should i connect to the pineapple in order to run these commands?

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First connect through Ethernet. That is probably going to be the most stable connection. Then SSH into it. If you are using Windows then I would use PuTTY, if you are on Linux then use the ssh command.

ssh root@

It will ask for your password and you're in! PuTTY is pretty much the same on Windows but there is a GUI.

Edited by sud0nick
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worked perfect. so incase anyone else is in my situation ill summarize what i did in order to successfully manually upgrade my markV.


I went to https://wifipineapple.com/?downloads and downloaded the most recent firmware upgrade.

I saved it in my Downloads directory.

with my pineapple connected via my ethernet adapter i opened a terminal

i sent the upgrade bin file with the command scp /root/Downloads/upgrade-2.1.1.bin root@

it asked for my pineapple password, informed me the connection was unknown and to continue type yes

once the file was transfered i then ssh-ed into the pineapple with ssh root@

i entered my password for the pineapple

i entered the tmp file with cd /tmp

performed an md5 check on the file with md5sum upgrade-2.1.1.bin

hashes matched

performed the manual upgrade with sysupgrade -n -v /tmp/upgrade-2.1.1.bin

thanks for the help,


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