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Trying to purchase a Pineapple Mark V - bad support


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Hello, my name is David Widman, and I am trying to purchase a Pineapple Mark V from the hakshop. All I can say is that your shop is crap, as your customer support.

All my emails trying to communicate with you, so I can confirm my address, ID and credit card were totally ignored or maybe deleted before read. I called your company and all I get is an automated answer system that records messages. There is no one behind it, or at least no one responsible.

You really wanna have a successful business treating your new customers like that????

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I can say that Darren and co. do a very good job. Im customer since years and very happy.

Somethimes they need a few days or a reminder to respond, but they are a few persons and not a big company, so its ok.

But the support per mail or here in the forums are much better than other company's!

Edited by Mr.miYagi
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Sounds like the classic case of a nice web front end making the company seem bigger than they are. I can only say that my own dealings with Hak 5 for purchasing and purchasing support have been excellent. I can be a bit short myself when I feel that a company isn't living up to their end, but to call Hak 5 crap is to not know Hak 5. There are some in the forums that approach hero worship when it comes to the people behind Hack 5, but strip that silliness away and they really are attentive, responsive, and their word is good. I'd be patient and dial down the rant if you're new to the group and give them a chance before ripping into them.

Meant constructively.

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Edit: See Darren's response below

Hi David,

Please forward your email to seb@hak5.org and I'll make sure they get looked at.

I can assure you that we do not simply delete emails without reading them. My best guess is that either a SPAM filter has caught them (For whatever reason) or that they simply got lost during processing.

As others have said, we are a small team.

If anyone else hasn't received an email back from us (m40295 maybe?), please forward the email to me.

Best Regards,


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The automated risk analysis score of your order was extremely high. This score is based on a number of factors including billing address vs shipping address vs IP address from which the order was placed. Order anomalies trigger a number of responses - in this case canceling the order. Unfortunately due to the amount of fraud the HakShop receives (almost 10%) we must rely on these systems.

Please understand we are a small company -- it's just Sara and I running the HakShop. We want to serve you to the best of our abilities, and we need to protect the company as well. Sometimes false negatives cause these problems, and I do apologies if in your case that is a fact.

Feel free to email myself, darren@hak5.org, and Sara, sara@hak5.org directly and we will do our best to serve you.



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I'm not trying to ass kiss hak5 but they are doing a good job small group of people trying to offer a service hell Reaver Systems has the same problem people bashing Reaver Systems for selling Reaver Pro II saying any Reaver Pro is useless trash waste of money i felt the same way myself but shortly changed my mind.

Kinda feel bad for hak5 staff i only wish i lived near them to offer help since i have nothing but free time on my hands.

But they try i've ordered 3 items from them kinda get a little to worked up wanting to have it and the waiting on it but in the end im very pleased with hak5

they may not be elite but i thank them for the products they sell most of their videos im not much into but few of their products like the Mark 5 i like call me a script kiddie if you will or a noob but i like it.

Make something better for the same price or less then talk.

I feel the stress they have i deal with people on my site and youtube channel just about everyday and make far less then hak5 makes.

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I had issues with my billing info too - in the end I did get someone on the phone and it turns out my scans of my license ended up in the spam folder. They quickly took care of my problem (and I think this affected some other orders too) and we're pretty great about helping out. I think you need to switch to decaf.

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As a newbie on here and a newbie to this area of Ethical Hacking etc etc, I did encounter problems setting up my pineapple but had a very quick response from Darren at Hak5 and I received my order from the USA within 10 days to the UK. I thought I had a great service.

Would also like to thank Zarabyte for his video on how to install the new firmware updates for Pineapple, that was a great help.

Edited by Its Only Me
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