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I did a load of bollocks, I downloaded from the internet the public firmware ReaverPro-13.225-stock.bin and forced the upgrade on my mark so now he only gets the led work but lost total communication.

I try the reset button but it seems that does not work.

Now I have left is to try something more daring, someone ya know tell me if I buy http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-CP2102-USB-2-0-to-UART-TTL-6PIN-Module-Serial-Converter-/170813830162 works to reinstall the flash?

best regards!


Uhhh! I don't believe you can install Reaver Pro on a Alfa Networks AP-121u reason for is hardware differences Reaver Pro hardware is custom made for Reaver Systems by a company called Patton.com Reaver Systems has 2x the RAM / ROM of a AP-121u it has i 32/64MB if im not mistaken.

The firmware is custom for the Reaver Systems hardware i believe you'd have firmware would have issues locating the memory blocks.

It's like trying to install Netgear firmware on a Linksys Router.


Uhhh! I don't believe you can install Reaver Pro on a Alfa Networks AP-121u reason for is hardware differences Reaver Pro hardware is custom made for Reaver Systems by a company called Patton.com Reaver Systems has 2x the RAM / ROM of a AP-121u it has i 32/64MB if im not mistaken.

The firmware is custom for the Reaver Systems hardware i believe you'd have firmware would have issues locating the memory blocks.

It's like trying to install Netgear firmware on a Linksys Router.

He was asking is the serial adapter would work not if the reaver pro firmware would work (thats how he got his pineapple messed up in the first place)


He was asking is the serial adapter would work not if the reaver pro firmware would work (thats how he got his pineapple messed up in the first place)

Yeah but for the record and future for anyone who reads this topic i wanted them to know that you can't put Reaver Pro's firmware on a AP-121u due to hardware.

I don't know a whole lot about hardware modding but if im correct the memory block were the firmware looks to be install on the device well that memory block is not the same on a AP-121u because the firmware is custom for the hardware that Reaver System uses thats all i saying to anyone who is planning to make there own Reaver Pro.

a company called Patton.com makes the boards custom for the reaver pro.

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