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good simple android emulator, to install custom roms


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Don't know if this would work but you can get Android x86 and install it to a PC or even a USB stick(with persistence no less) and use it to run Android apps. I have in installed on a little SanDisk Cruiser Fit(little USB 'nub') that I use with an app called Piston and my OBD II Bluetooth adapter to read codes and get info from my car. Works like a charm. Here's a link for Android x86.


You can scroll down to the latest 4.4 for download unless you want something earlier.

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Thanks for the responses, although those are good, they are not exactly what i'm looking for!!

I guess the question might be better answered if i told you guys what i am trying to do.

i don't currently own a nexus 5, 7, or 10 but i want to give kali nethunter a try.

so before i spend the money on a nexus device i want to try Nethunter out first to see if its worth it.

The only way i know how to do this is try Nethunter out on an emulator first.

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From what I gather, nethunter is basically a custom ROM within which they provide some apps by default.

What I'm wondering is why they don't simply provide the apps via the store and leave it at that? I can imagine them specifically targetting the Nexus wifi adapter with their code which could make it platform-specific, but if there's a different tablet out there with the same adapter, why would you want to prevent them from using your work? Shit, they might even be able to charge people for it if they wanted to.

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As far as why they targeted the nexus device specifically, other than the reasons mentioned I'm not sure, however they have mentioned it will run on other devices as long as it meets the requirements and obtain the specific kernel. My educated guess tells me they picked a device already well known for meeting the requirements, rather than spending extra time and money researching which devices meet the requirements. Plus for people who are really into the idea of pentesting with android, they probably already own a Nexus device due to the pwnie express CE suite.

An I suppose the same reason applies as too why they just didn't make it an app. There has been talk about it though but of course it would still be device specific.

From what I read the setup is not an App at all but rather a kali arm distribution with some added features that are available through a local web server similar to the pineapple.

Here is an ok video of a brief walk through of it:

kali nethunter nexus7 2012 32gb 3g tilapia:

Edited by bytedeez
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