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[Question] How to force install an exe?


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I have heard a lot about the USB rubber ducky and I have just recently purchased one. I am waiting for it to come in the mail so I haven't had any time to play around with one yet. I have been thinking ahead with what I might want to do with my rubber ducky and I am wondering if there is a way that I can have an exe file on the micro sd and have the payload force install that file. I think I read somewhere that if I want a payload to interact with files on the SD I would need to use twin duck? How would I do that? Please make the explanation noob friendly!

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You can just do something called a "Duck Slurp". Search it on the Hak5 Forums and you will find out about the copying of files ONTO a USB. Just simply reverse the code and you can transfer files TO the PC. I personally love the WGET and Execute script. Search through one of my previous posts. I detail a lot about that script.



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