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Wifi Pineapple MKV Causing BSOD :(


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Hello peoples.

I recently purchased the Mark V and am trying to get it set up and download some infusions but pretty much any time I start to do almost anything* (slight exaggeration) with the web interface my computer BSOD's. This has been occuring when I attempt to load the pineapple bar list of infusions to download mostly. The error I receive is DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (bwcW8x64.sys). What research I have done points towards my network card drivers being the issue (my research could be wrong lol) but I have uninstalled and reinstalled the newest drivers to no avail.

Thanks in advance for any and all help,

Pineapple Noob / Sad Guy With BSOD

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Hi there, i just google the same error, im trying to share internet with my pineapple, but when i change to static ip address on ethernet to i received the blue screen with this message:


I have a Killer e2200 ethernet and wifi. the problem is with the ethernet only. I downloaded the latests drivers available from killer frim here: http://www.qca.qualcomm.com/resources/driverdownloads/

the first try, it was succeed, and i actually update the pineapple and download the infusions. and i shutdown. at the next day i connect the pineapple and crash again with the same error:


searching on google i find a forum directly of MSI of my laptop model: MSI gt70 889, and i read same issues in a lot of users, but im not entirely convinced of the solutions there. (update the BIOS). So. i dont know. if someone else have this issues?

O.S: windows 8.1 64bits.

ethernet (wired: Killer e2200)

wireless: killer e2200)

any suggestions will be great. :D

Thanks in advance.


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Internet suggestion to update the BIOS seconded.

Also check if your bios has some settings specific to your network card (which is an overpriced piece of junk I'm sorry to say) related to interrupts that you might be able to play with. It might be sharing its interrupt line with another device and doesn't appreciate this very much.

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