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Write me a simple linux script. Get some AAA Steam games!


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So, I need to have a script (I was recommended to use "at") that has to do the following commands:

Command 1, Command 2, Command 3, Command 4, and Command 5.

Command 1 is executed for 12 minutes. Then, it stops.

Right after, Command 2, 3, 4 and 5 are executed for 10 minutes. Then, they stop.

Command 1 is executed again for 12 minutes. Then, stop it.

Commands 2, 3, 4 and 5 are executed again for 10 minutes, WITH a minor switch in one of the switches. Then, they stop.

Repeat everything above.

If you think you can do this, hit me a PM. It's related to reaver and mdk3, so it's not that hard, I just don't know how to do it.

I am willing to offer two (or more) of these Steam games:

Call of Duty: Black Ops



Payday 2

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition

Far Cry 3

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Goat Simulator

Dishonored GOTY

Thanks in advance!

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Let's not even bother with at. And you can keep your games, I don't play any. :)

Command 1 &
sleep 720 # 720 seconds = 12 minutes
killall Command 1
Command 2 &
Command 3 &
Command 4 &
sleep 600 # 600 seconds = 10 minutes
killall Command 2
killall Command 3
killall Command 4
while true
    Command 1 &
    sleep 720 # 720 seconds = 12 minutes
    killall Command 1
    Command 2 variant &
    Command 3 variant &
    Command 4 variant &
    sleep 600 # 600 seconds = 10 minutes
    killall Command 2 variant
    killall Command 3 variant
    killall Command 4 variant
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THANKS! Deeply appreciated mate!

Now, I didn't really want to bother you anymore with this, but it seems I am doing something wrong.

Basically, here's the thing. I want to crack a friend's WPS router. But it locks me out every 10 tries. So I have to MDK3 the router until it reboots. After the router reboots, it changes the channel. It alternates between channel 6 and channel 1.

I changed the script to my needs:


Then I SSH'd into the pineapple, SCPd the file to it and:


And that happens...

Edited by ViTALiTY
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Replace /bin/bash on the first line with /bin/sh and make sure you don't have Windows line breaks at the end (though I think scp handles that for you).

Edited by Cooper
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This is a better way. Killall can be a very blunt instrument. If you can know the PIDs, you should just kill them directly.

Command 1 &
sleep 720 # 720 seconds = 12 minutes
kill -9 $C1
Command 2 &
Command 3 &
Command 4 &
sleep 600 # 600 seconds = 10 minutes
kill -9 $C2 $C3 $C4
while true
    Command 1 &
    sleep 720 # 720 seconds = 12 minutes
    kill -9 $C1
    Command 2 variant &
    Command 3 variant &
    Command 4 variant &
    sleep 600 # 600 seconds = 10 minutes
    kill -9 $C2 $C3 $C4

If you want to get fancy, write a function to abstract it.


function timedRun(){
    $@ &
    ( sleep $TIME ; kill -9 $PID ) &


while true
    timedRun $TIME1 Command 1
    sleep $TIME1
    timedRun $TIME2 Command 2
    timedRun $TIME2 Command 3
    timedRun $TIME2 Command 4
    sleep $TIME2
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