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Physical SSH service key

Go to solution Solved by madman77,

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Hey Dudes,

I was thinking, they duck would be a good way to physicly enable or disable the SSH service on my headless ubuntu server when i need access to it.

im not much of a scriptor but i was wondering if someone could write a short bash script for me that does the following:

1. Check to see if the ssh service is enabled or disabled

2. If enabled, then disable, if disabled then enable.

(Im running ubuntu 14.04 LTS)

if i now script my ducky to automaticly log myself in as root and call the bash script, I should be able to access the machine remotley simply by plugging in the duck (inserting once will enable ssh, reinserting again should disable ssh)

Seems to me like a pretty full proof idea, can anyone help, or see any holes in this idea?

Cheers guys :)

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