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Easily detected Wifi pineapple during a CEH class

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During a class the instructor had a mark V running, the way I detected it was simple.

I was running inSSider and noticed that a known 5Gz only SSID was being broadcast on the 2.4 GHz band. I am sure that detection is simple in many instances and would require that someone was looking for it. In most cases, your average person would not be looking for it to start with.

I was just surprised that I noticed it that easily.

Edited by thatCEHguy
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Meh my way to detect a Pineapple is when im connected and im able to access :1471

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Meh my way to detect a Pineapple is when im connected and im able to access :1471

What happens when the person changes the port?

Other people check for the network to be but that can be easily changed as well if the person knows what they are doing.

Others check for mac-address which again is very easily changed.

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Yes, we knew that he was running it. The fault wasn't with the Pineapple, It was doing it's job saying "yep, that's me", windows included the known 5GHz SSID in it's 2.4GHz probe requests and I simply noticed that channel 11 was listed next to the 5GHz only SSID. I don't think there is any way to prevent that type of detection.

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Well the other way to tell but it requires you to connect to the device is nmap scanning :B You ever ran a nmap scan on the MK5 you will see what im talking about.

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