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Question about Pineapple and Battery on Flights

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Can you bring the battery that comes with the elite package (the big one) on a flight? Can it be in a carry on bag? Is the pineapple okay too? There is this: http://www.tsa.gov/traveler-information/safe-travel-batteries-and-devices but I just want to make sure I'm interpreteting it right and some of you may have experience with this. Thanks.

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I did - I had no problems in US. In Amsterdam they took a close look at the battery and asked a supervisor, but I was allowed to take it.

Just make sure that you have it in your carry on.

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Hey guys great topic.

I'm going to be flying soon as well.

I would assume that it would be a good idea to drain the battery before putting it in your carry on. If they need to plug it in and verify that all is working well, then I actually agree with that security measure.


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I have flown countless times and I usually carry a WiFi Pineapple + the big batter around with me.

Never have I had any issues with it. The battery is checked once in a while (swabbed for particulates), and they might ask me to prove it can power my WiFi Pineapple MKV, but it has never been an issue.

Just DO NOT use it on a plane. That's going to break a few laws.

I hate to waste time travelling and often work on the WiFi Pineapple in the air. I do this by completely disabling the radios before my travels and usually just use ethernet / serial cables to work on it.

This has caused a few flight attendants to ask me what it was and what I was doing, but has never caused any issues whatsoever.

To be safe though, unless you are developing on it, you have no reason to use it during a flight. Keep it turned off.

Best Regards,


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In all seriousness it's likely considered a loose battery hence it should go carry-on. New regs since 2008: http://safetravel.dot.gov/whats_new_batteries.html

I've never had an issue with any of the pineapple juice batteries, 18650s, even RC lipos.

I would assume that it would be a good idea to drain the battery before putting it in your carry on.

Not necessary. Also never a good idea to completely drain a battery.

Some battery basics:


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Good news- all worked well. Passed through just fine and no one asked anything. Got about 40 clients at once at one airport and maybe 20 at the other. Just had random roll running. I tried to contain my laughter when I heard "Never Gonna Give You Up" playing on one machine.

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Good news- all worked well. Passed through just fine and no one asked anything. Got about 40 clients at once at one airport and maybe 20 at the other. Just had random roll running. I tried to contain my laughter when I heard "Never Gonna Give You Up" playing on one machine.

Note that this is most likely illegal and can get you in serious, serious trouble, especially at airports.

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