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I'm using pandora jar 7.4.0:

My settings are last.fm off, iTunes off, CDDB on, Cruise off

Pandora runs and plays fine - but it won't save mp3s. The message that it gives me is specifically, "localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

unable to rip MP3 unable to find file make sure you have Pandora running in a FIRFOX browser"

and it is DEFINITELY running in a firefox browser.

lastly, the dialogue in command line keeps nattering about FlashGot... which is strange and probably unrelated, but hopefully helpful to tell about just in case.

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Yeah, right. Just recreate Flash. I'll get right on it. Lemme just finish up the work on Windows Vista. I started this morning, so I should be about done by now.

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Yeah, right. Just recreate Flash. I'll get right on it. Lemme just finish up the work on Windows Vista. I started this morning, so I should be about done by now.

maybe you could finish up Spore during your lunchbreak? I know you've got a busy schedule, but the screenies look fuckin' awesome :lol:

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I've looked on all threads but can find an answer so I hope this is the right place to post. I love Pandora and eventually downloaded Pandora's Jar but when I key in the java -jar pandora.jar 8085 I get "unable to access jarfile pandora jar".

In C:Pandora the only pandora jar file is a log file. It ends with 'let's grab some mp3s' but there's no link or anything for me to grab from. I'm sure it's dead easy and the answer's probably staring me in the face but I'm a complete newbe at this and don't understand. I'd really appreciate someone's simple advice. Thanks

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Inside the pandora directory there should be a file named Pandora.jar

If it's not there, redownload the zip and unpack it like you did before.

My guess is someone either messed with the log4j logger settings to use that jar file as destination (which would be wrong) or you've got that 'hide filename extensions' folder option thing on (it's on by default... fucking Microsoft) and thus can't find a pandora.jar file.

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I think there's a checkbox in the browser screen that allows you to fill out the Last.FM info which you can either leave blank, or possibly uncheck that checkbox to make it not go there. No idea. Look around, it's on there.

The storage location is described in a properties file that's in the same directory where you installed Pandora's jar. default.properties or something.

Edit it with a regular test editor (notepad or whatever) and set the MP3 destination directory to something that works for you. Make sure that where windows displays a backslash (the character) you should use a forward slash (the / character) or you'll get some unexpected results. :)

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Damned if I know. Never seen that work, and I'm not yet planning to add it in the rewrite.

Do people even care about song stats? I mean, the Bio I can understand, but stats...?

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Inside the pandora directory there should be a file named Pandora.jar

If it's not there, redownload the zip and unpack it like you did before.

My guess is someone either messed with the log4j logger settings to use that jar file as destination (which would be wrong) or you've got that 'hide filename extensions' folder option thing on (it's on by default... fucking Microsoft) and thus can't find a pandora.jar file.

System/Programs see the distinction of filename extension whether or not it's shown to us.

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Hey, now the last.fm hookup stopped working

there's a huge, klugey error message that shows up as well

unable to retrieve bio from last.fm: Script '(function(){

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})()' failed: ConversionError: The undefined value has no properties. (httpunit; line 2)

localhost connected to server.

^gives me a headache just looking at it

lastly, pandora will now only d/l one song at the beginning of the session, then refuses to tag anything else.

can anyone puzzle this out?

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I am running the pandora.jar file through the terminal in ubuntu linux. when I open firefox (which seems to have flash running fine) - I cannot save any mp3 files. The track window states no information retrieved. I've been trying to get this to work for over 2 days without any luck. Any ideas? If someone is successfully using pandora's jar through linux -please try to give me some assistance. I'm stuck!

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