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Snoopy Drone.... A MarkV is similar, wonder if they used it


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Yeah I read that last night and saw the CNN video not to long ago. It sounds like they are using karma but not necessarily a pineapple

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Here is the projects page, it has been around for a few years. They even mention the pineapple, but they didn't use one.


I think you can download the software here.....


I think I might play with it a bit, it's similar to creepydoll.

Maybe some of it can be used with the pineapple?, or you guys could get some ideas for infusions.

Would really like to see what you can come up with newbi3, can we get something like this?

It may increase sales also, if we had our own server like snoopy, people might buy a few more mark v's.

I would buy a few more, for sure, I already have 2 (still hoping the bug I experience on my mark v's can be fixed.)

Hakshop/hak5 would make more cash, we get more cool things......win win.


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  • 4 weeks later...

This is pretty neat idea. It can really be performed with any OpenWRT device that can run kismet, karma is not really required unless your looking to inspect the data.

"Drones" can be set up with a cron job that posts the information logged from Kismet to some back-end server from which the analysis can be performed. Depending on what your looking to analyze, then the specific analysis can be performed.

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Check out my Fork at Github Molotof it will install perfect, was able to run it as root on LTS 12.04 or log in as the user that gets created by the install.sh

Did not run a drone yet or connect to maltego as i got no time to play around, maybe someone else got more knowledge can play with it and let us know whats good !

Link to my fork of Snoopy

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