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SSD tips, tricks or tweaks?


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I'm finally moving from HDD's to SSD's in a couple of my laptops and wonder if there's any tips or tricks I should use to help get longer life out of em'?

I'll be using a Debian Distro(Kali or maybe SolydX) and the SSD's will be 32GB Kingston units. I've read that I should set aside 10% as Unallocated so the SSD won't get filled up(no real chance of that, just be running the Distro on it, I do storage on an external HDD) because as they fill up they slow down. Also there's some stuff about doing a tweak to fstab to enable TRIM but shouldn't ext4 already have TRIM enabled??

If there's any SSD Gurus on the forum I'd love to pick your brains and see if there's anything "special" that I need to do after I install the SSD other then install the Distro on it. Thanks in advance.

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SSD tweaks are super important for the health of the SSD. Check this out.

Best Regards,


Good link, thanks. I checked the SSD info on my wife's Netbook and didn't see a "discard" in the fstabs. like it is here:

Add discard to your ssd drives or partitions, after ext4

UUID=bef10b86-494d-41c6-aa46-af72cfba90fd / ext4 discard,errors=remount-ro 0 1

I think I'll go back in and add that to fstabs.

Also this looked interesting:

Add noatime,nodiratime to your ssd drives or partitions, after ext4

UUID=bef10b86-494d-41c6-aa46-af72cfba90fd / ext4 discard,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro 0 1

Think I'll go do that on her Netbook to test it out. That way when I get my SSD's on Wednesday and get my Op System installed I'll already know a bit about these tweaks.

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On my wife's Netbook with a SolydX install in fstab after ext4 it had an "rw,errors=remount-ro 0 1" so do I leave the "rw" and just add the other stuff or do I take out the rw and add the other stuff??

Ok, update, I removed the "rw" and added "discard,noatime,nodiratime" so it's like the example in the above post. Rebooted and all seems well. Now sure what difference it makes but hopefully it'll help that little SSD in the Netbook live longer and keep the ones that I'm going to install in my #1 and in Jr. living longer as well. ;)

Edited by TN.Frank
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On my wife's Netbook with a SolydX install in fstab after ext4 it had an "rw,errors=remount-ro 0 1" so do I leave the "rw" and just add the other stuff or do I take out the rw and add the other stuff??

Ok, update, I removed the "rw" and added "discard,noatime,nodiratime" so it's like the example in the above post. Rebooted and all seems well. Now sure what difference it makes but hopefully it'll help that little SSD in the Netbook live longer and keep the ones that I'm going to install in my #1 and in Jr. living longer as well. ;)

No! It's important to have the rw! Add it before that. I'll post an example when I'm back at a computer, but just Google ssd discard and you'll get examples.

Best regards,


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I added "rw" back in at the beginning. Also someone on another forum said that "fstrim" would be a better way to go then "discard" so do you think I should replace "discard" with "fstrim" instead?

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Well, messing with fstab ended up borking my wife's Netbook. Guess I'll reinstall the op system and leave it alone. So a few extra writes to the SSD will only let it last 5 years instead of 10, probably won't have the Netbook in 5 years anyway,LOL

Lesson learned, sometimes ya' just have to leave well enough alone.

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