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Basic Password Sniffing with the MkV

Potato Jesus

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So I just got my pineapple, and after a fiasco with a dead SD, I have it up and running. I'm new to using a device to audit, especially one with an interface like this, but I'm pretty good at using tools on Windows and Kali to "analyze" networks.

My question is how would I go about doing the most basic of http(s) password sniffing, with the MkV? I can set up Karma and the wlans correctly, I just can't figure out which infusion(s) to use, and how to use them together? Is there a magical all in one that does everything? Any help would be appreciated!

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To test the basic functionality of what I believe you are looking for in terms of basic password sniffing via ssl, get the Pineapple running with karma, sslstrip and internet connectivity. Use a wireless device to test karma (connectivity). Once successful, use a browser to log into a site via https and watch the sslstrip logs.

There is one basic use case you can use to test a simple set up.

good luck


edit: this probably belongs in the MKV thread.

Edited by phubar
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