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I looked around the forums for the answer, I even checked out the FAQ before posting this.

I unboxed my ducky, I loaded the ducky into my host computer. I then loaded the micro sd into host computer to start loading my first payload. I took one off the site (copy, paste) into notepad then put my sd back into ducky. Proceeded to install ducky into target computer and it just sits there. nothing happens. (the payload I used was the hello world one, then I tried the wallpaper one.) Am I doing something wrong? was there something that I was supposed to do before putting into target computer. Oh, btw when I put the payload into the sd, I just dragged it to the drive, there is still that one file in there that came with it. I cant think of what its called because I am not at home atm and don't have it with me right here.

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Remove both file and then put one back on there, also make sure you have remove and replace the sd card with the ducky unplugged from the computer. If nothing still happens then try pressing the button on the ducky. you may have the firmware that requires the ducky to have the button pressed. If you do not like that option then you can always fash one of the other firmwares.

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are you just putting a textfile onto the sdcard?
You are supposed to take your script and by using java you make it into a file called inject.bin.
I haven't seen java with a GUI, so yeah, you are supposed to use command line. I have done it with windows once, I can't remember how. But it's totally doable. Just google how to use java in command line on windows :)

It should be the same commands.

Edited by spazi
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  • 3 weeks later...


I was curious to know if there was a solution to this problem at the beginning of this page?

I too I looked around the forums for the answer I even checked out the FAQ and PM midnight before posting this.

I unboxed my ducky, I loaded the ducky into my host computer. I then continued with the next steps, which I found many to follow just in case I missed something. I downloaded ducky-decoder, and put "encoder.jar" and my script into the same area (c:// users,XXXX/downloads/ducky-decoder) I then proceeded to use the CMD to locate script and encoder, ran my jar -jar encoder.jar........., took my sd and put it into my ducky - then into target computer and it just sits there -. nothing happens. I tried it again and again. I tried it on my Kali computer with No results. Am I doing something wrong? Was there something I was supposed to do before putting into target computer. Are the other files which are included with the encoder (read me and resources I believe) suppose to follow too? I tried the copy and paste and the drag and drop.

I thought when the inject file was created AND the step before moving the inject file where CMD says YES to (loading file; loading keyboard; loading language file; loading duckyscript; duckyscript complete) meant I was okay? Could it be lack of communication between Java and Windows - added commands needed perhaps?

Thanks in advance for any help,

I would really like to use my Rubber Ducky :o

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This may be way off, but have you verified the inject.bin file has execute permissions? Suggested putting the SD card in Linux system to check. I believe the inject.bin file that was originally on the Ducky when delivered was set to '777', so I continue to ensure the inject.bin file have the same permissions.

Hope that helps.

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I thank you SO much for responding. I'm killing myself over here trying to figure this out.

The original inject.bin file is FAR gone....lol

I have a few of them saved in different spots on the computer thinking I might have done something wrong.

I will give it a try (though I have never heard this needing to be done and/or know how) and let you know.


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