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Unbricking Help


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Hey everyone, I've bricked my pineapple so I went to this guide for help, I understood everything up until step 8. How do you extract the zip to root? through the web page or plugged directly into a pc? Lastly, when you're formatting the drive what format should you use, FAT32?

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What it means is that you should insert the formatted sd card into a secondary computer, windows, mac or linux.

Extract the content of the zip file onto the sd card.

What extracting zip files or whatever to the root of the sd card means, is that you shouldn't put it in a folder but onto the empty sd card :)

I formatted mine in fat32

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What it means is that you should insert the formatted sd card into a secondary computer, windows, mac or linux.

Extract the content of the zip file onto the sd card.

What extracting zip files or whatever to the root of the sd card means, is that you shouldn't put it in a folder but onto the empty sd card :)

I formatted mine in fat32

Hmmm, that's what I did, I must have done something else wrong, I'll have to try and fix it when I'm home again.

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same here, but when i start my pineapple after formated sd card and unpacked the files on sd card the pineapple just blink blue and the green is on ofcourse, ;)

i have test alots of other sd cards in other formats when i format the sd card FAT- FAT32- NTFS- and also tested to connect to the pineapple by TCP cable from diferent compputers but cannot find i´t, but for a shot wile my wifi card discover the pineapple but i cannot connnect and after 10 seconds it disapera and stay´s hiden for my wifi card, testet different wifi card also ( alfa awus 03h) and inbuilt in my computers broadcome card, i have stager.bin - upgrade.bin and md5 file on my sd card, should also tell that my original sd card lost 1gb when formated so i got another thats suports FAT on 2gb..

PLS help me ..... :(

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