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why is my wlan0 less sensitive than wlan1 in client mode?


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I was on a mission on Friday when I was trying to overpower an access point. I kept noticing that clients were connecting to the other open access point and not mine. It prompted me to experiment with my pineapple today. After trying to change the stock 18dbm power level of wlan0 without success I tried to test it a different way. I was told on the message board that this is locked by design. Ok, fine, I accept that for now. I changed it to client mode when I noticed that I get very poor reception through wlan0.

First scenario, TP-Link usb(wlan2), wlan0 and wlan1 all connected to my ASUS router in client mode. As you can see, wlan0 is detecting my ASUS router at ~30db less than the other 2.


Scenario 2. Same test but my TP-Link(wlan2) is swapped for my Alfa G(wlan3). Again, wlan0 is 30db less than the other 2.


I did the same test using single connections with the same result.

I already swapped antennas between wlan0 and wlan1.

Am I doing something wrong?

Do I have a bad unit or is this done by design?


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You state that you know that wlan0 is locked by design.... If you accept this what exactly is your question? Ohh and it was the TX power that is locked, not the RX side... Are you using the stock antennas?

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You state that you know that wlan0 is locked by design.... If you accept this what exactly is your question? Ohh and it was the TX power that is locked, not the RX side... Are you using the stock antennas?

Yes, wlan0 and wlan1 are stock antennas, and I swapped them with each other. All 4 readings are from the same distance. Very strange.

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