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AutoSSH Tile tweak


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Hey Guys, I wanted to have a way to make autossh autostart from the web interface so I found a few code modes that you can do to your Pineapple to allow for this.

These are very simple and should not cause any problems to your device. I used the small_tile code from karma and its working great!

Your web interface will add the following:

Autostart Disabled | Enable

Easy stuff!

First thing is to modify the following file:


to this:

<?php include_once('/pineapple/includes/api/tile_functions.php'); ?>


echo "AutoSSH ";

if(get_autossh_status()) {

echo "<font color=\"lime\"><b>Connected</b></font> | <a href='#sys/autossh/action/stop_autossh/autossh_reload_tile'>Disconnect</a>";

} else {

echo "<font color=\"red\"><b>Disconnected</b></font> | <a href='#sys/autossh/action/start_autossh/autossh_reload_tile'>Connect</a>";


echo "<br />";

echo "Autostart ";

if (get_autostart_status()) {

echo "<font color=\"lime\"><b>Enabled</b></font> | <a href='#sys/autossh/action/stop_autostart/autossh_reload_tile'>Disable</a>";

} else {

echo "<font color=\"red\"><b>Disabled</b></font> | <a href='#sys/autossh/action/start_autostart/autossh_reload_tile'>Enable</a>";


function get_autossh_status(){

exec('pgrep autossh', $pids);


return false;


return true;


function get_autostart_status(){

if(exec('ls /etc/rc.d/ | grep autossh') == ''){

return false;


return true;




<script type="text/javascript">

function autossh_reload_tile(){

refresh_small('autossh', 'sys');



Then modify the following file:


to this:

<?php include_once('/pineapple/includes/api/tile_functions.php'); ?>



switch ($_GET['action']) {

case 'generate':



case 'edit':

echo edit_command($_POST['host'], $_POST['port'], $_POST['listen']);


case 'knownhost_add':

echo knownhost($_POST['knownhost_user'], $_POST['knownhost_host']);


case 'authorizedkeys':

echo authorizedkeys($_POST['authorizedkeys']);


case 'keycopy':

echo keycopy($_POST['ak_user'], $_POST['ak_host'], $_POST['ak_password']);


case 'start_autossh':

exec('/etc/init.d/autossh start');


case 'stop_autossh':

exec('/etc/init.d/autossh stop');


case 'start_autostart':



case 'stop_autostart':



# code...




function autostart($mode){

if($mode == "enable"){

exec("/etc/init.d/autossh enable");


exec("/etc/init.d/autossh disable");



function generate_key(){

exec('ssh-keygen -N "" -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa');

return "<font color='lime'>Key pair generated. Refresh Tab.</font>";


function edit_command($host, $port, $listen){

exec('uci set autossh.@autossh[0].ssh="-i /etc/dropbear/id_rsa -N -T -R '.$port.':localhost:'.$listen.' '.$host.'"');

exec('uci commit autossh');

return "<font color='lime'>AutoSSH configuration updated.</font>";


function knownhost($knownhost_user, $knownhost_host){

exec('/pineapple/components/system/autossh/includes/knownhost.sh '.$knownhost_user.' '.$knownhost_host);

return "<font color='lime'>Known Host added. Refresh Tab.</font>";


function authorizedkeys($authorizedkeys){

file_put_contents('/root/.ssh/authorized_keys', str_replace("\r", "", $authorizedkeys));

return '<font color="lime">Authorized Keys updated. Refresh Tab.</font>';


function keycopy($ak_user, $ak_host, $ak_password){

exec('/pineapple/components/system/autossh/includes/copykey.sh '.$ak_user.' '.$ak_host.' '.$ak_password);

return '<font color="lime">Authorized Key replaced on Remote Host.</font>';





Edited by phibertap
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How about modifying it so you can forward more than one port? I currently ignore the tile and setup autossh in rc.local to automatically foward more than one port. Note that I need to sleep about 20 seconds between autossh commands for it to work. I also configured dip switches to connect/disconnect ssh as well.

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How about modifying it so you can forward more than one port? I currently ignore the tile and setup autossh in rc.local to automatically foward more than one port. Note that I need to sleep about 20 seconds between autossh commands for it to work. I also configured dip switches to connect/disconnect ssh as well.

Ya sweet idea, have the entries for two different ports one for the web and one for ssh etc.

Okay I will try this, but I think since this is moding a system tile and not an infusion, I wonder if the devs could add this as an update :). In the background I will play with my own tile.

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