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Client Connect Problems....


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Ive been having client connect problems since day 1. Im running Firmware 1.0.4. Ive been checking for the reverse wlan issue on the forums and been reset and redetecting my wireless configuration. So I just recently reloaded my firmware. I tried the client connect under the network options - worked fine. I then setup my 3g modem and changed my AP name using WiFi Manager. Now I cant connect with the client connect under the network infusion. Ive had this happen many times. It seems client connect works ok...then I make a change in WiFi Manager infusion, and then it stops working.

Also my WiFi Manager keeps adding radios to its config..so I keep getting more radios. Ive tried deleting some of these intrfaces, and disabling them by unchecking the Enable box...sometimes it works..other times it doesnt.

Any Thoughts?



Edited by Scrag
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I then setup my 3g modem and changed my AP name using WiFi Manager.

Instead of using WiFi Manager to change your SSID (AP name), you should use KARMA.

1) Connect to your Pineapple via Wi-Fi or ethernet cable

2) Open a web browser and log into your Pineapple's web interface

3) Open the KARMA tile

4) Select the "KARMA Configuration" tab

5) Enter a name for your Pineapple AP in the "SSID:" field

6) Tick the box beside "Persistent:" (if you don't want your SSID to revert back to the default SSID at each reboot)

7) Click "Update"

That's it. To test, use a Wi-Fi enabled device to scan for wireless networks. Your Pineapple should be broadcasting on whatever SSID you entered in the KARMA settings.

Also my WiFi Manager keeps adding radios to its config..so I keep getting more radios.

WiFi Manager adds the radio interfaces to the wireless file in /etc/config/wireless. You can manually delete them in the /etc/config/wireless file.

1) Connect to your Pineapple via Wi-Fi or ethernet cable

2) Open a terminal

3) Connect to your Pineapple via SSH

ssh root@
<pineapple's password>

4) Open the wireless file

nano /etc/config/wireless

5) Locate the additional radios and delete them

6) Save and close the wireless file

Press "control + x"
Press "y"
Press "Enter"

7) Restart networking so the changes take effect

/etc/init.d/networking restart

That's it. Just open the WiFi Manager and the radios should be gone.

Edited by chriswhat
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Thanks for the responses.

I removed WiFi Manager and flashed my pineapple. My client connected fine. I then changed my SSID from "Pineapple_1F44", or something like that to "Guest" in the karma tab, and checked persistent. Now my client wont connect.

I removed the /etc/config/wireless file and did a "wifi detect" and rebooted. Now my client connects. I tried updating the SSID in the /etc/config/wireless file manually, and also tried karma again, each time it broke the client and the client worked again after i did a "wifi detect".

So in summary the client connect works until I change my AP SSID, then it stops working. My AP and everything else works fine - just no client connect. The pineapple wheel just spins and spins.

PS...also when my client would connect, the internet wont work for the clients. If I ping from a client it fails. I verified ip_forward is set to 1. I have multiple access points running and no encryption on them, it doesnt work for any of them. Internet will work on the pineapple though.

Any other ideas?



Edited by Scrag
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