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Simple 3D Printed Rubber Ducky Case


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To protect my ducky I have printed a simple case which allow pushing the button and removing/inserting the micro SD card using a little trick. I have posted the design on thingiverse if anyone wants to print it or modify it.



The trick to be able to remove the SD card is to add a piece of tape to be able to pull it out. I used kapton tape which is very thin and does not jam into the card slot.




Edited by franck
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Hi xrad,

Thanks for the link, I did not know about this site. I was looking for something like this to answer your first message. I can easily print some extra cases but it really does not make sense to ship them across the planet, it is much better to download the design and find a nearby printer.

I think it is becoming quite easy to have access to a printer. I heard that in France they are experimenting with putting 3D printers in post offices :-)



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Thanks Franck, this is the best case I have seen for the Ducky.

I still haven't had time to get in touch with the guy here to print a few for me.

I don't mind paying a few bucks for shipping and the price of the case, if you decide to sell a few.

Not trying to push you into anything you don't want to do, but I would feel better with the cash going to the designer of the case.

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