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I'm buying Software Defined Radio from Hak5, what can it do?


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Title says everything, thanks!

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I heard you can watch free to air tv with it but sshhh keep it on the down low, I hope the Hak store sells the HackRf when it released

lol free to air tv is only for satellite

Edited by mreidiv
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I heard you can watch free to air tv with it but sshhh keep it on the down low, I hope the Hak store sells the HackRf when it released

Haha well i already bought mine! I studied up on it somewhat.

That's how much stuff i have going on in my life, i buy random stuff online and end up spending $1000 in one day.. Got to love technology ;)

No but i get bored as crap, so if anyone has any idea's for me to do PM me! :D

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I got an idea for you make your own CreepyDOLand then send me the proof that you done it

Haha well i already bought mine! I studied up on it somewhat.
That's how much stuff i have going on in my life, i buy random stuff online and end up spending $1000 in one day.. Got to love technology ;)
No but i get bored as crap, so if anyone has any idea's for me to do PM me! :D

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I got an idea for you make your own CreepyDOLand then send me the proof that you done it

Didn't I read somewhere that th f-bomb is sold to the gov for like $50?

Now he sells them to us for $250?

I would like the gov discount, I pay my taxes.

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yeah that's why I hope Mr Gray can cum up with a DIY version of F-Bomb which he will be our hero

Haha ^ "Cum up"

It will be later on before i'll be able to attempt this project.

I have other stuff that is needing to be done first.

Maybe Hak5 will hold a competition on who can build it the fastest and cheapest, i'm willing to pitch in on the winning prize.

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